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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rep. Harris Votes Against Smoke And Mirrors Reid Plan

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Andy Harris voted against the smoke and mirrors Reid Plan which includes over $1 trillion in imaginary savings. In addition, Senator Reid has repeatedly stated that his was the only plan that could pass both chambers, yet it was rejected by a bipartisan and  overwhelming vote in the House of Representatives.

“I came to Washington to end budget tricks, accounting gimmicks and empty promises,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “The Reid Plan has no Balanced Budget Amendment that would provide the permanent accountability America needs in Washington. In light of yesterday’s grim economic news, we need to end the uncertainty and fear that President Obama and Senator Reid continue to promote. We need to send a strong signal to job creators that we are serious about getting our wasteful spending under control.”

Currently, the U.S. Government has a national debt of $14.5 trillion and runs an annual deficit of $1.65 trillion a year

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Andy! Keep their feet to the fire on this one!


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