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Friday, July 22, 2011

Harry Reid Won’t ‘Waste the Senate’s Time’ on ‘Worst Legislation’ in U.S. History

Without a hint of bipartisanship, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday proclaimed the Republican deficit-reduction plan – the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act” – as a waste of the Senate’s time.

“I think this piece of legislation is about as weak and senseless as anything that has ever come on this Senate floor. And I’m not going to waste the Senate’s time day after day on this piece of legislation, which I think is an anathema to what our country is all about,” Reid said on the Senate floor.

“So everyone, understand. We’re going to have a vote tomorrow (Friday)…I’m not going to wait until Saturday. We’re going to have a vote tomorrow, and I feel confident this legislation will be disposed of one way or the other.

“The American people should understand that this is a bad piece of legislation – perhaps, some of the worst legislation in the history of this country.”



  1. I hope that extended middle finger is not aimed at the Republicans!

  2. dont worry..its aimed at "YOU"!

  3. I hope that extended middle finger is not aimed at the Republicans!

    July 22, 2011 9:39 AM

    Anonymous said...
    dont worry..its aimed at "YOU"!

    July 22, 2011 9:49 AM

    Please stop with the stupid comments.

  4. So...businesses and individuals need to have balanced budgets in order to survive but the government does not?

  5. I would like to break that finger off and stick it where the sun don't shine. I'm sure there is a guy named Vinny in Vegas we could hire for that job.

  6. he is probably the worst politician in the history of this country. he and his girlfriend nancy . thanks sjd

  7. Ever think that maybe we wouldn't be in this mess if we hadn't gone to Iraq and Afghanistan?
    We're STILL paying millions for these purposeful mistakes, made by, none other than George W. Bush!

  8. 1:01
    How about the 900 billion stimulis that killed jobs.
    How about cash for clunkers that scrapped otherwise usable vehicles.
    How about Obamacare that will add 1.5 trillion to the debt and kill thousands of jobs.
    How about the GM and Crystler bailous that Senator Obama voted for.
    How about that war in Afganistan? Obama escaladed that and got us into Libya too.
    Stop will your blaming Bush crap, this lies at the feet of Obama and the dumbocrats.

  9. BOTH political parties work for the international corporate elite who finance the campaigns.

    The politicians do not work for us.


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