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Friday, July 15, 2011

Democrats Want to Know–What Else Can We Tax?

Just days after Governor O’Malley locked down a date for this fall’s Special Session for redistricting, Democrats in the General Assembly are making it abundantly clear of what else is on the agenda:  more taxes!

After all, it really was no secret.  Only a week after the 2011 Session ended, the Chairman of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee Senator Ed Kasemeyer stated his intentions as bluntly as possible: “We’ve got to tax more things.”   This was after a session where the sales tax on alcohol was increased 50%, and they passed a budget that was laden with tax and fee increases.  With an attitude like that dominating the Democratic side of the aisle, there is little doubt what the taxpayers are in for coming this fall.

Like Yogi Berra said, “It’s déjà vu all over again”!  It was just four years ago that the General Assembly increased taxes by $1.3 billion during the 2007 Special Session, under the guise of eliminating Maryland’s constant structural deficits.  They increased the sales tax, as well as personal and corporate income taxes, then turned around and increased spending by $1.3 billion just a few months later!  It is the same spend and tax mentality that we’re dealing with today.  However, in 2007 the economic decline was warned of but it had not completely materialized.  Today we’re in the heart of what could be a double dip recession, with record unemployment that is high and steady.  Another round of massive tax increases could be devastating to Maryland’s hardworking taxpayers.



  1. America's new Communist Style government in which the government has a piece of everything (in terms of money) is not woking out very well for us.

    We are learning what our Parents age group knew inherently, which is that Communism is in-human. It takes our wealth and our labor and leaves us with poverty.

    Our government is now run by communists generally, and they are destroying this once great Nation. Maryland in particular is a terrible state in which to have a family business.

    I personally liked the original form of government we used to have, a Constitutional Republic. It valued INDIVIDUAL rights and freedom.

    Democracy we have learned is a TERRIBLE government and over time, morphs into Communism or Monopoly Capitalism in which the rich form a secret agreement not to compete (monopoly) and then take advantage of consumers. Once these large corporations gain enough power (money) they take over the government directly (through campaign finance) and the result is Corporate Facism.

    Americans serve their government the best we can. We give our children to die in wars of imperial conquest and give most of our money to support mis-managed government hand outs for the lazy. I don't like Amerika any more!

    Dude where's my Country?

  2. If we could only find something better. However it is time for all to get the hell out of Maryland!
    The TAX State!!!!!!!

  3. Let's see, what's left? I guess the barber or beauty salon, any other service/labor (car repair, for ex.), an increase in the gas tax, using any state highway, all foods. There, legislators, there are some suggestions in case you haven't thought of them. Just think outside the box!

  4. 11:24 I don't know what you are ranting about, but since you want to mention what our parents grew up with....
    when my parents were my age, the income tax rates for the wealthy were above 70% and the country was prospering financially. Today, even mention raising the rate from 36 to 38% (which they never actually pay because of loopholes) and people freak out. In the 70's, CEOs made a few times what the average worker made, now they make more than 100x. Corporate greed is more destructive to this country and our economy than a few tax increases.

  5. 1:39
    You are correct, the wealthy had a tax rate of 70% and higher.
    But you fail to mention that everyone paid taxes back then, not like now where 50% of the people pay no taxes at all.
    You also fail to mention that when Reagan reduced the upper tax bracket, the economy went into hyperdrive.
    Oh, and by the way, you lefties keep trying to demonize U.S. Corporations for not paying enough taxes.
    Let me share a little secret with you. Corporations just pass any taxes they have on to their customers. Raise the corporate tax rates, and you pay more not the corporations.
    The Dumbocrats keep using the corporate tax strawman arguement to sneek higher taxes on to sheeple like you that wind up paying them.

  6. Just a reminder, this post was directed towards MARYLAND Democrats. That said ...

    Anon 1339 -

    Being a liberal is not an excuse for being ignorant. Do you know why the country as prospering with a 70% top marginal rate? (I have to assume you are talking about the EARLY 1960's, because the late '60's the economy heated up due to Vietnam and inflation started heating up with it.) The top marginal rate had just been lowered from 90% to 70% by the Kennedy administration.

    Do you think that America prospered in the 1970's? Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates and marginal to negative real GDP growth.

    What changed all that? Two things. Paul Volcker rang inflation out of the economy as Fed Chairman (using Milton Freidman's monetarist ideas) and Ronald Reagn rode into town in 1981 and lowered tax rates.

    Don't like the truth? Sorry.


    Anon 1419 -

    Just because the lefties are ignorant doesn't mean that you have to lower yourself to their level.

    I'm all for lower corporate tax rates. Why? Because it gives an incentive for business to operate out of this country and employ people in this country and purchase goods and services in, that's right, THIS COUNTRY!

    The argument that a higher corporate tax rate is going to result in higher prices is not a strong argument. Why? Corporations are not in the welfare biz. They are already charging what the market will bear for their goods and / or services. If they are a manufacturing business, they may relocate to a country with a lower top tax rate and simply export to here.

    You are correct that the Dems are using the corporate tax structure as a straw man. But again, argue against them with facts.

  7. GA I do know one thing (although it can't be quantified). My grandparents raised my dad and his 5 siblings in the late 60's through the 70's on one working class income, with no assistance. Could one man putting shingles on a roof do that now... no
    From ignorant liberal 1:39


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