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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Daily Times To Raise Daily Rates To $1.00


This week the Daily Times took until Wednesday to report on a Monday night City Council Meeting. Their printed news is days behind. Their advertising rates are out of this world and God Forbid a Family Member dies, wait until you see what they charge you for an Obituary! Believe me, my Father in Law recently passed and it was a car payment on a Mercedes.

Salisbury News delivers you REAL TIME NEWS, not news that is two or three days behind and certainly not weeks behind either.

If we haven't proven to you that we're the most dedicated source of news, information, human interest and opinion, well, I've wasted 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the past 7 years. In other words, there's no convincing you anyway. Just pay the $1.00 a day rate for old news and I'm sure you'll be happy.

In the mean time, I agree with the comment above.

New Posts to fall below this one.


  1. I'm canceling my subscription on Monday. This is the final straw for me.

  2. I'm paid thru the next several weeks and then I'm done! This will be the end of the newspaper.

  3. Must give the devil his due. A couple years ago my wife and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. I sent a notice to the Times, a paper that I do not subscribe to, thus they recognize no funding from me, and they published our anniversary at no charge. Sent the same to Lakeland Ledger, here in Florida that does realize income from me, and they charged me $90 Makes no sense. jackkcharl@aol.com

  4. Joe you had my convinced years ago! I truly enjoy this site day in and day out.

    Thank You!!!!

  5. I cancelled my subscription except for Sunday delivery!!!!!! Have not missed it!!!!!!

  6. Why would anyone pay for a paper that reports the day before yesterdays news thru the libtard point of view?

  7. We canceled them over 3 years ago, due to the skewered reporting or non-reporting of the news that had been ongoing for quite some time.

    I figure I have saved at least $500 in subscription costs alone.

  8. This has become a big topic of discussion today. The consensus is that most of us will cancel our subscriptions. Truth be told, all of us agreed we will cancel our subscriptions.

  9. Idiots. Their advertisers pay for "eyes."

    For that lousy quarter, they will lose lots of "eyes." Probably could have raised their ad rates a couple of pennies a column inch and come out better ahead.

    Canceled my subscription years ago. Only sorry I can't do it again!!!

    They haven't had a good reporter or editor in years and years.

  10. When you cancel, do it in writing. I cancelled online (is that not printable???), and they continued to deliver and bill. When I called, the girl was very nasty and said the deliveries would continue and that I needed to pay the bill until I cancelled in writing. I told her to just deliver all she wanted, and they could pick up the papers at the end of my driveway when they got tired of NOT being paid. The deliveries finally stopped. GOOD RIDDANCE.

  11. $1 for that little skinny thing is outrageous. Obviously, they are in trouble financially if they have to raise the cost, but they may regret it in the long run as they lose customers due to the higher cost.

  12. JA,
    Think about it. The only thing your website is lacking is a classified section. Right now I have an ad in the D.T. because of that fact. Have you ever thought about it?

  13. WoW!
    Folks are still buying this USA Today Duplicated newspaper with the most boring local reporting news. Are there more than five pages in this newspaper Monday through Saturday and junk mail on Sunday. I can't believe folks are still using their tight no help from the government budget money to buy a Daily who, naw, oops Times Newspaper. NOT ME!

    Everything I need to know about the going ons in this area, across the nation and abroad is right here at Salisbury news. And it's FREE and not politically controlled.

  14. I have had no subscription to the Daily Slimes since I moved out of my parents home at 18 yrs. of age 32 & 1/2 yrs. ago! If they offered it to me for free I'd say NO!!!

  15. The Daily Times has really shrank to a tabloid.

    I don't know why anyone would bother to purchase it. Just yesterday my mom said that if the Saturday addition shrank anymore that it would be considered a leaflet.

  16. Wow Joe, I hope you feel like a big man talking crap about a struggling newspaper where everyone works hard day in and day out.

    You are really offering a totally different product. Yours is opinion based and entertaining --the real reporters' articles may be boring because they have an obligation to news style, attribution, verifiable facts, and choosing battles because they have to work with same people day in and day out.

    I'll be surprised if this comment shows up on your page.

  17. anonymous 4:14, Let me start out with this. First of all, one of the people moderating comments did in face reject your comment, I brought it back to light.

    Want to know why, because I think your right.

    I am in fact offering a very different product. It is opinionated and entertaining. I will add however, we also provide news.

    I'm glad you mentioned the fact that YOU are in fact swayed on what you can or should I say can't say because you have to work with the same people day in and day out.

    Let me assure you, I/we have to do the same and ultimately we have to DEAL with the outcome after actually tellking the TRUTH.

    As for those people who work very hard at the Daily Times, again, if YOU can't see the writing on the wall, that's your problem and I say that with all due respect.

    The Daily Times will NOT survive. NOT because it doesn't have good people working for you. It will NOT survive because the future of news is now opinionated. I know, you'll never admit to that because you are brainwashed to follow protocol and journalism 101.

    The other reason you will NOT survive is because you are afraid of your own shadow. It's all about deal making, begging department heads to deliver you information at least a day in advance because you have to go to print. Doesn't it ever make you wonder how WE get that same information days in advance, yet we do NOT kiss any ones ass along the way.

    Its because other people working on those departments are sick and tired of the purpose twist you put on stories. NOT the actual reporter but the managing editor who changes almost everything.

    Anyway, I'm going to stop here because I'm NOT going to tell you everything you need to come back.

    I want to see the Daily Times close their doors because you cannot tell the truth. Go back to my post on Friday about the Zoo. You KNEW they had lied about how the Jag got out because I delivered that proof. Yet you published exactly what Rapp and Alessi quoted and left it at that. You did that often with the former Mayor as well.

    The Daily Times is a disgrace. Maybe some of the GOOD people still left there will get smart and start their own local Newspaper. Nevertheless, I hope they do close their doors.

  18. Very well said Joe!

  19. Thanks for the reply. I'm not familiar with the jaguar situation, so I can't speak to that.

    I can say I'm embarrassed by the tone of my comment.

    It's just hard when I know people who work there that are committed to telling the truth, even if it isn't sensational.

    Honestly, I know controversy and confrontation are good for getting page views and I can't begrudge you that... But I read both The Daily Times and SBY News..

    I really think there is room for both of these very different products.

    The Daily Times isn't all boring either... there is some really entertaining writing in there. Sure some articles are dry, but that's the nature of any daily publication that isn't opinion

    Maybe you have a point about the future of news being opinion only, but that's scary to me. It will be interesting to see how this period of flux for the media evens out, if it evens out.

    Either way, SBY News and The Daily Times are both better than most TV reporting I see done around here.

  20. I do not purchase the Daily Times it is worthless I would rather spend my dollar on a roll of toilet paper to wipe my butt.

  21. anonymous 6:23, again, I do not disagree with you at all.

    I agree, there is room for both of us.

    The difference is, the DT's will cost $1.00 a day and SBYNews is free.

    As for the DT's being boring, I never stated that, for the record.

    However, you have to admit, most of what they now provide are what some like to tag me with copy and paste articles. The DT's is loaded with "AP" articles.

    IMHO, they will NOT survive publishing one or two day old articles that we publish in almost real time, sometimes seconds after it hits the wire.

    Time will tell as to what will happen to both of us. My main point, (and maybe I didn't mention it earlier) is that every single employee cannot come back and blame ME for their failure and losing their jobs.

    They have seen the writing on the wall for years now. Many have tried starting their own Blogs and they failed miserably.

    If that doesn't tell you where they're headed, well, that's a shame.

    The DT's created at least a dozen Blogs after Salisbury News had already been around for a good two years. They tried to compete. They tried to close SBYNews. It failed and they're gone.


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