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Monday, July 18, 2011


Kunstler is succinct and very very depressing today. I’m afraid he is absolutely right. There is no money. The debt ceiling reality show is a farce. The debt already accumulated cannot be repaid. The spigot is running dry.

It seems inconceivable that his meanderings about the 2012 presidential election not happening and some military officer ascending to power could possibly happen. Right?

Put yourself in a time machine and transport yourself to January 1, 2000. If someone told you that the National Debt would rise from $5.8 trillion to $14.4 trillion in the next 11 years, we would be running annual budget deficits of $1.5 trillion, gold would go from $300 an ounce to $1,600 an ounce, we’d be fighting 3 wars in the Middle East, the World Trade Centers would not be standing, and the government had free rein to spy on you, grope you in airports, monitor your calls and emails, and torture people at secret bases throughout the world, what would you have said?

Fourth Turnings don’t follow rules. The situation in the world is out of control. Anything is possible – economic collapse, riots, looting, war, hyperinflation, and even dictatorship. Keep your mind and eyes wide open.

The Amazing Dissolving Nation

By James Howard Kunstler
on July 18, 2011 10:07 AM
Going broke fast is a very compelling problem. For ordinary people it tends to induce chicken-with-no-head syndrome – a mad burst of pointless locomotion ending in sudden collapse. If the US debt ceiling is raised – which I think is a 90 percent bet – there will be a sigh of relief that resounds from the lobster pounds of Penobscot Bay to the parking lots of Silicon Valley… and poor dissolving America will still be stuck in its essential predicament of being broke. So a lot of pointless locomotion will continue in the form of positioning among a troop of clown candidates for the dumbshow of the 2012 election. I wonder lately whether that election will actually happen.



  1. Go ahead and call me crazy, but I really believe that all signs are pointing to an imminent end of the world. Not only the great number of natural disasters--tsunamis, floods, extreme dry conditions, etc.--but also the financial situation that is gripping many other countries besides ours point to what could be a very short time before it's over. Of course, only God knows exactly when.

  2. And the antiChrist is now the President

  3. 6:31, I said that soon after he was elected, and nothing he as done has convinced me otherwise; rather, he has reinforced my opinion.


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