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Monday, June 06, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you think college is a waste of time?


  1. It's a waste of time until you grow up realize your 40 and can't work like you could when you were younger and wished you had gone to college.

  2. I think this poll is a waste of time. What a stupid question! No.

  3. No, it's a stupid question.

  4. Not a waste of time but it sure can be a waste of money if you pay too much.

  5. No, education is one thing that noone will ever take away from you.

  6. in general no

    but there are always exceptions to the rule

  7. i think it depends on the major. if you are going to college to become a physicist, doctor, lawyer, etc., then no. i think that a degree is history, art, or the infamous "general studies" are a waste of time.

    i think alot of what people learn that makes them good at what they do comes from doing the actual job, not from studying & memorizing text books.

  8. Not at all! However, what is a waste is our gov't mandating that a person must be hired because of ethnicity vs. their true job qualifications which include education!

  9. I don't know anymore. My daughter just graduated SU in computer graphic design. 4 years. Now she's achieved a job in her field... at $12.00 an hour!

  10. anonymous 11:40, With all due respect, then the answer is a big fat NO.

  11. It's only a waste of time for the 40% of students who are in college but have no business being in college. The notion that all persons must have a college degree is ridicules. A trade is just as or more valuable then a college degree. There is no shame is being a plumber, mason, electrician, welder, carpenter, HVAC or automobile mechanic. They all provide needed services and they all make above average income.

  12. No.. The waste is the misconception that every kid has to get a Bachelor's or higher. We're completely neglecting the need for skilled laborers or tradesmen, and there are many fields where an Associates Degree is more than enough to be trained for the job.

    College is not a waste of time, but not every field needs college in the conventional sense.

  13. The difference is that 11:40's daughter with the college degree will be making a lot more money 10 years from now than the person without a college degree, if she follows national trends. That is a fact. She will be more likely to have health insurance, and will be less likely to get divorced. Also facts. The value of the college degree is not always immediately apparent, but over the long haul you are much better with one than without one. There are, of course, individual exceptions, but this is true across the board for average Americans.

  14. 11:40
    $12.00 on a full time basis is $25,000 a year. Not bad for her first job out of college! I'm sure down the road she'll make a lot more, as we all do with experience.

  15. anonymous 11:55,

    Perhaps you don't realize the cost to REPAY that college loan back.

    Perhaps you don't pay car payments, insurance, food bills, Gas & Electric, City of Salisbury water bills, rent, etc....

    The bottom line is, $25,000./00 today isn't what it used to be 10 or 20 years ago.

  16. Yes it is a waste of time.
    You can learn to drink beer , smoke dope and party without going to college.
    Times have changed .

  17. Duh..that's really profound Joe.

  18. colege was worth it before communists in government made public service jobs pay more than degreed workers.

    once politicians and public servants realized they could vote themselves more money/salary, colege became less attractive.

    we are spiraling down the tube, and the life line has been cut.

  19. Yes and no.
    You need the sheepskin to open doors for employment, but colleges exist to MAKE MONEY.
    They require all sorts of useless courses that don't do anything to make a person job worthy.
    Not to mention the 1000% markup on requred books

  20. It isn't a waste of time if the students are going for the right reasons. I personally know of a couple of teens that started good colleges to have the freedom of getting away from home. Lots of money was spent without expectations from the parents, and both either failed or dropped out. I do believe education has never hurt anyone, but for some, technical school is the way to go.

  21. Joe, your comment doesn't address the facts presented by 11:50. College degrees bring alot more earning potential than not having one. Although I agree fully with 11:44; I've been telling teens that no matter if they go to a university or head over to a trade school, you need to have SOME training in something usefull, but not necessarily a 4 year degree.

    Not to mention, I don't know why most kids wouldn't want to go. Especially those from small towns. Get out and enjoy some new experiences with new people and potentially see the world.

  22. For me? No. I received academic scholarships during college to pay for my bachelors. Work payed for the masters. I didn't pay for much other than books, most of which I kept. If you get good grades in high school and apply yourself in college you should apply for scholarships so that you don't pay much out of pocket. I got one scholarship for almost 15,000. :o)
    As far as your point of view Joe, I agree to a point. I do feel that colleges do kids an injustice by not taking a more career oriented stance. Some kids get out there with a communications degree, general studies, psychology, or art and can't find a job. I feel that college advisors should let them know the risk they are taking. I ran into a lot of people going back to college because a communication degree is not worth much. . .I don't agree with shattering some kid's dream though. . .if they want an art degree then fine if that is their dream I guess. . .literature? Sure. If I was a parent, I must admit, I would tell them to try for a degree in something they can get a job in. . .I would offer to help pay for it just to entice them in the right direction. So to speak. I wouldn't take back the MANY years I spent at college. . .I learned a great deal during those years. I learned a lot about what I was capable of.

    * Just out of curiousity, did you go to college, Joe/G.A.? What did you study? Where?


  23. Education is never a waste of time if you are serious about the field you are in. The key is to work and find an employer to reimburse you for for classes and books. I made it all the way to a M.S. on my employers dime, all debt free. Even if you take a clerical position, the net affect of what you are making is far greater with this benefit. You have to get creative about it.

  24. If done right, it's not a waste of time. If you rack up a large amount of student loan debt, go to a school that most employers will be skeptical about (online schools, I'm looking at you), or you drop out/flunk out before you get a degree, then it's a waste of time. But most good jobs require a college degree, so you're certainly better off if you graduate from college.

    And to the point that you have to specialize in some sort of technical field to get a good job, that's just b.s. Sure, if you want to be a doctor you need to specialize in that area. But many jobs simply require a college degree. You can get a job at, say, the Daily Times if you have a B.A. in art history. You don't need to have a journalism degree. The fact that you are the type of person who can complete college and get a degree is what most employers are looking for; they aren't looking for college to provide technical training for the job.

  25. Not a waste of time; however I do wish they would concentrate more on actual education that bears importance in the real world. Social views have no place in college; let the students develop their own views based on their own experiences. Secondly, the partying should be ramped down. European students have a better education re history, finance, etc at the high school level.

  26. Not time just money.

  27. You are indeed right, times have changed ... which makes a college degree even more valuable now. Try getting even an entry level professional job (with room for advancement) without a college degree ...

  28. Become a nurse.

  29. I went to college and I don't think it was useless, but it was certainly impractical. If I had invested the money spent on college in a house or the stock market, I'd be in a much better place today.

    I don't really think that college teaches problem solving skills and critical thinking to the extent needed for the workplace. I believe persistence and the ability to solve problems is what makes success.

  30. Funny how the federal government is now the biggest employer in the US and they are also now behind ALL of the financing for college.

    This was pre planned for a long time and now that a degree has become the standard, since the government is the biggest employer, it's a scam like none other.

    To the commenters attacking me because I do not have a degree, eat your hearts out, I retired at 40 years old. I retired because I was the most successful business person you have ever seen or met, (if you've been that lucky).

    I happen to believe that every single one of us have a very special gift. Some find it in their lifetime, some never do. However, if you open your opportunities and simply try ne things, it's unbelievable what you'll fine out about yourself.

    For me, I learned I could manage businesses and do very well at it. I learned I could market almost anything. I learned I could shoot a game of pool like no one had ever seen before. I learned I had a skill in writing, (my way). I learned I could change the scope of how news is told and change the MSM into doing things my way and not the other way around.

    There are many other things I have enjoyed learning but allow me to teacheand and every one of you one thing. I did ALL that I have done without a college degree or any college experience whatsoever.

    So for those hacks who want to attack me about High School and College, look in the mirror. Better yet, look at your Bank Account. When you're done crying, get to know me and perhaps one day I'll share some of that wisdom to better your own life. You won't have to pay for that course and the only paper you'll walk away with is GREEN.

  31. You're right Joe, that is funny. It's also funny that if you declare bankruptcy, student loans don't go away anymore. It is a huge conflict of interest.

  32. I didn't notice any attacks, Joe.


  33. You said it 11:10, exactly right.

  34. well the trades are fine respectable and much needed jobs but in the post union era unless you own the company chances are the trades will no longer be a family supporting living wage jobs
    price has driven master craftsman ship and the apprentice guild system out of the picture
    now to make out in the trades you need at least a rudimentary engineering back round and too be a manager useful SPANISH unless your Amish

  35. I work for the BOE without a college degree. I teach all day as an assistant for 25,000 a year. If I had finished my degree my 28 years of experience + my degree would have given me a salary of around 65,000 a year. That is the difference between a college degree and not having one in the public sector.

  36. I didn't see any strong statements on WHY college is not a waste of time. As a former employee of Digital Equipment Corporation during the computer revolution, I learned the answer. College teaches an individual HOW TO LEARN. Think about this a moment. During your life experience, it's doubtful that you will remain in the profession you start out. Upon earning a degree, you will have demonstrated that you are TRAINABLE. Digital was one of the first technology firms with a centralized help desk. They staffed it with individuals holding degrees ranging from language to math. They knew that technology would continue to change and evolve so they wanted employees that they could easily retrain as necessary.

    That $12/hr job need not last forever for the recent grad.

  37. Education is never a waste.

  38. yes,,out in the world, its who you know,,not what you know!

  39. here here 6:00pm,

    My wife was fortunate enough to get in early with her company with only a HS diploma. She's been there 10 years and makes 55-60 grand a year. BUT she's stuck. She's getting burned out, has sacrificed her dream career, and is working solely for the money doing what is essentially work with no real purpose (in the grand scheme of things). College helps keep the options open, if nothing else.

  40. Alot of kids go to college,just to go to college. Go there without a real plan and career goal and your wasting time. Maybe high school should have a 13th grade thats more career/college prep. Then require two years mandatory military service.Then the little knuckleheads may have some sort of goal. What to do about the liberal/socialist agenda on campus once they get there is still going to be a problem but with a bit more age and background the average freshman may not be as

  41. I tell you from experience how important a college degree is. It separates you from those who do not have a college degree. It also proves to an employer that you can commit to a task and if you finish with a high GPA, that only separates you further from those who do not have a college degree. If you were an employer, who would you hire? The high school graduate with a 4.0 GPA or the college graduate with a 4.0 GPA.

  42. Noone can ever take your education away from you. And you are wrong to think its who you know not what you know. Maybe in Government, but not in corporate america. I have gotten several jobs in the past based on my proven portfolio and not because someone got me a job. Corporations want mover and shakers and have their eye on results, they could care less as to whether the person has blue hair or two heads. They want results. If you have a specialized talent and good communication skills you will stand out above all the rest. I have never been turned down for a job after I have interviewed. You have to keep going to interviews even if you are content in your current job to keep the skills fresh. Its up to you to continue growing and metamorphisizing to an ever changing environment. When you do that, you will always be the top choice in job offers unless the company is a stagnet one.

  43. No education is a waste of time, and speaking for myself - HELL NO, a college degree has allowed me to have a really good job, benefits, a nice home, and everything else. None of it would have been possible without my education. It also helps to get a degree in something that you can actually do without graduate school.......

  44. Yes; For most professions it is a waste of time and money. You graduate making 35,000 per year, with a college dept of $80,000.

  45. if we had a home based civilian military with mandatory participation we might give kids the daily regiment to perhaps learn a trade and perhaps prepare themselves for a proper education once they have some maturity and we could address our crumbling infrastructure and best exploit the energy of youth and not having them coming home maimed and crazy from senseless conflicts......it is not oil or coal or old worn out economic models.....it is the youth of this nation that we should be hedging our bets with and nurturing... they are totally untapped and bored with our failing educational system and have grown up with the technology that is here and now today and here to stay....the youth of america are bright and promising and they are bored to death and I dare say we have failed them holding on to old fashioned awe shucks nostalgic notions of common sense and getting by when it just don't fly these days
    come on people these kids will be paying your social security one day if we get them on track if not we will all be lost everyone bitches about paying teachers but let their trash go unpicked up one day and it is a riot....we need to get our priorities right and stop being so self righteous and give it up for the kids.....christ my county ditch tax is more than the school tax and the damn ditch drains some rich farmer up the road that has sold out for 1800 town homes and a golf course in sussex county on land that wont perk.....whos gonna pay for all that .....It is just crazy priorities these days
    if there is a coming revolution in this nation it will be historically like anywhere else
    it will be the youth demanding the old complacent guard to let go and get out of the way

  46. I went from high school to working full time 38 years ago and made decent money up until the past few years with the economy in the toilet. I started my own business 23 years ago and found that starting and owning/keeping a business going is definately a challenge and something Everyone should try at least once in their life. It would certainly make them appreciate what business owners go through. I unfortunately was not one who went off to college, but now I wish I would have had that experience and probably would be retired by now! So, No, I don't feel that college is a waste of time if the student is there for the right reasons!

  47. Yes it's a waste. You can't teach COMMON SENSE. Would you rather have someone KNOW what the book tells them to do or someone who has the common sense to apply logic? I know quite a few college graduates who don't have the sense to poor piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

  48. Amen to 10:10. Some of the stupidest people I know have college degrees and some of the smartest people I know didn't even graduate high school. A degree is nothing more than a piece of paper that makes the recipient think he (or she) is always the smartest person in the room.

  49. Both my husband and myself graduated from what could be termed prestigious schools-George Washington U and Mount Vernon College for Woman (since has merged with GW.)

    My husband is a successful businessman. His major was in education. His success is due to his hard work and perserverance and not so much his education. I worked for awhile in our business, but haven't much in the past 20 years.

    I also believe a trade could be the way to go these days. I personally know of a master plumber/electrician (he does both) who charges $150.00 per hour. He does live near DC where the rates and cost of living are higher so of course so are his rates. I also know of some hair stylists in this area who are making $40,000-$70,000 a year with no sign of their clientele dropping off.

    Joe said something above, that rings true about everyone having a special gift and you have to find that gift and work hard to make it a reality. I happened to go to college with a girl who had owned and been riding horses since she was 5 years old. After graduation she took her love of horses (and her horses) to Middleburg VA. Middleburg is an extremely wealthy town 1 1/2 hours out of DC, also known as "The Nation's Horse and Hunt Capital." She's been training horses for folks out there and is making close to $200,000 a year using her special gift.

  50. Im heading back to college this fall, My plan is to become an Army Officer. I dont think I can go wrong there. Is education a waste of time? No, because some jobs require a college education.

    Some kids attend college to attend college. These kids have no goals or plans. Just drinking it up and partying all the time. So it's probably a waste of time for some.

    My teacher once told me if your going to go to college, go to college to get a degree that will make you some money.

    Hell, you can always become a cop where you can get the training and credits


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