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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Suspect Captured After Chased Down Street by Victim

A 27-year-old man was captured by an off-duty state trooper after a Claymont resident discovered someone inside his home and chased the burglar down the street, police said today.

The incident happened about 5:20 p.m. Saturday in the first block of South Dickens Drive in the Ashbourne Hills community, New Castle County police Cpl. John Weglarz Sr. said.

He said the 51-year-old homeowner arrived and heard footsteps inside, then confronted the burglar, who fled with the homeowner giving chase. Timothy Sammakia of Claymont was charged with burglary, attempted theft and criminal mischief. He was being held in Young Correctional Institution in lieu of $8,750 bail. Weglarz said Sammakia had forced his way in a rear door.

from Kim Manahan @ the Wilmington News-Journal

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