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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cable Companies Finally Realizing They Might Have Priced Themselves Into A Corner

What has cable company executives losing sleep at night? It's certainly not thoughts on how to improve customer service or billing. But it's also not Netflix, Hulu, BitTorrent or any other obvious customer siphon. No, cable suits confess, it's actually the fact that a growing number of Americans find themselves too poor to pay to watch TV.

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  1. comcast changed everything to digital now half my tv's no longer work. Now comcast wants to charge me an additional $2 per month for each adapter box above quantity of 2 to be able to receive what I was paying to see before they upgraded. they can kiss my @ss! done with them! as long as the communities get a franchise fee we'll never get true choice!

  2. Comoncast will never change for us because they know everyone is over a barrel here with no other choice. If we could get DSL at our house I'd dump them just because I could. Their line up of channels is worthless to our viewing taste. I admit I only have basic cable but cannot see paying so much money for a whole gang of channels just to get a couple we would watch therefore we use the internet for that.Also Comoncast customer service is the worlds worst with some of the rudest people I have ever met.

  3. direct tv has 16 and 47 with their plan. dish does not. i think it might be a better deal if you were to get direct tv vs. comcast.

    how would it work to get direct tv, vonage, and h/s internet (other than comcast)? wouldn't this be alot cheaper? it think you can get h/s internet from other sources but not sure how to do that.
    someone else comment on how you are saving money and getting these services from other vendors.....

  4. We checked into Direct tv and dish network the last time our Comcast pricing package ended.
    By the time we pay for boxes on each television we have and then pay the higher price for internet through Comcast because we no longer have tv service with them, we were actually going to be paying more.
    then, we have boxes that we'd be responsible for if they broke or the signal goes out or whatever else goes wrong.
    I'm no Comcast fan by any means but they're still the cheapest option for us, unfortunately.

  5. If you only use Comcast for internet & cant get DSL then you need to contact Hughesnet and compare their basic plan to what you are now paying.You might be suprised at how much Satellite internet prices have come down lately.They are not stupid-they are reaching out to people who either other companies forgot,or those who are fed up with their current providers.

  6. Noone has me over the barrel. I refuse to get cable.


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