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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Press Release Gully Shooting

On May 7, 2011 at approximately 2:00 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to Gully’s on Roland Street for the report of a fight. Upon arrival the officers found two (2) victims of gunshot wounds. The gunshot wounds were determined to be non-life threatening. The victims were treated for their injuries at Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

Victim # 1 is an adult male from Salisbury and victim # 2 is an adult female from Laurel, Delaware. Following the shooting, Salisbury detectives responded and interviewed both victims and a number of witnesses. As a result of this investigation, detectives were able to positively identify the suspect responsible and obtain a warrant for his arrest. The suspect has been identified as:

Darian Harold Makle, 25 years of age
Black Male
5’11” tall & 170 pounds.
LKA: 512 Swan Road, Salisbury, MD
POE: Gully’s, 733 Roland St, Salisbury, MD

This information was then turned over to the Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force / Maryland State Apprehension Team for their assistance in locating Makle.

On May 9, 2011 at approximately 7:43pm, Fugitive Task Force investigators converged on Mackle in the 400 block of E Main St, Salisbury, MD as he met with a member of his family. Makle was taken into custody without incident and turned over to detectives for further questioning.

Makle was served with the arrest warant charging him with Attempted 2nd degree Murder (2 counts), 1st degree Assault (2 counts), 2nd degree Assault (2 counts), Reckless Endangerment (2 counts), Handgun Use in Violent Crime, Felon in Possession of a Firearm, and Handgun on Person. Makle was released to Central Booking.

According to Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan: “The Fugitive Task Force members and the Salisbury Police Detective Division worked tirelessly and together on this case and successfully removed a violent felon from our streets. Business ownership in this city means more than being willing to comply with the law, it means taking responsible and proactive measures to correct the criminal actions occurring in conjunction with the operation of the business. The Police Department’s goal here is to keep patrons and community members safe and to do our part to put a positive face on the City of Salisbury”.

Mayor James Ireton stated “Multiple acts of violence, in the areas of fights and assaults, have permeated this property for many years. Chief Duncan has had several meetings with local bar owners about the atmosphere of our city at closing time – and almost everyone has been cooperative. Unfortunately, Gully’s has not. The collective safety of our citizens must be the top priority, whether at 2:00 PM of 2:00 AM. The amount of resources that this establishment drains is unacceptable and the situation will change. I applaud the work of SPD and the Fugitive Task Force for identifying and apprehending this suspect this quickly. The community needs to know that the continued violence at Gully’s will not be tolerated”.


  1. the hood moved from Cactus to Gullys good reason not to go there


    What do they call it? Nuisance disorderly or something?

    If that's the owner's attitude, lock him up too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. A business isnt the reason we have thugs and gangs and murderers in our city.....it's because we had a flunky police chief and lousy/lazy police department for many years. Dont start bulling restaurants businesses and bars for your responsibility to keep the thugs under control.

  4. So i guess the next time there is a drug deal gone bad your going to threaten to close the pharmacy and the doctors offices?

  5. Whats the most stolen make and model vehicle lately......I expect to see those dealer get the same threatening letter. Our how about the next DWI crash.....gunna threaten the to shut down the beer manufacturers? Nothing like a bully with a badge. Get tuff on law breakers not business owners!

  6. Maybe the liquor control board should consider revoking their liquor license.

  7. looks like the only rebuttal gullys has is to attack the police on a blog. did people also see that not only did this shooting occur at gully's, but the THUG WORKED AT GULLYS TOO. So not only are they attracting thugs,they are now hiring them as well. 4:57, 4:59 and 5:08 the reason we have murders and shootings in salisbury is because THUG business owners condone this activity and don't work with the community and police.

  8. call the Wicomico County Board of License Commissioners and they should issue a show cause hearing unless one of the members is a part owner of da club

  9. police presence is key.you dont have it.

  10. Here's why you go after the business:

    "Chief Duncan has had several meetings with local bar owners about the atmosphere of our city at closing time – and almost everyone has been cooperative. Unfortunately, Gully’s has not."

    I ran a bar down south for many years. There are things you do to keep the riff raff out. The new chief obviously knows that too. Other businesses are willing to be part of the solution. This one obviously isn't.

    Book 'im, Dan-O!

  11. Haven't previous bars in the same location been plagued with the same exact problems? Firehouse, Club Vissage, The Bottle Factory?

    The city needs to do everyone a favor and bulldoze the entire shopping center.

  12. this kinda crap only happens in the worst of inner city ghettos and on the shore
    despite what you see on TV most people in urban centers behave like they are civilized and amazingly get along on public transportation and in bars and public places without bouncers or metal detectors or dress codes
    what has happened here we have pediatric child molesters and white trash child murderers totally batshit politicians that think they are in some power network and ridiculous thugs that think this is some gangland territory its all a big joke people hide and cower in their houses thinking guns are going to save them
    guess what we have already lost the battle.....the down home awe shucks Shore is worse than revitalized urban areas.....and who's fault is it? Salisbury has all the dirty run down charm of Glen Burnie and the people are thought of the same and if you think your any better than that your kidding yourselves even the well to do here are putting on airs more fitting of 20 years ago because of all the petty greedy developers and speculators and all the retirees that come here for cardboard housing and don't want to support the tax base because they made out raising their families elsewhere......WooHoo down home country living......LOL its country alright

  13. The shooter already had a felony conviction and was prohibited from having a firearm. Did Gully's do a background check when they hired him as a bouncer?

  14. The bar across from the college got shut down when that ya-hoo went in there with a shotgun and shot somebody.

    The same fate should happed to gully's, and any other establishment that has repeated acts of violence on it's property.

    Let them go elsewhere to get there drink on. Obviously management isn't being proactive at keeping this element out. The city and liquor board should step in and show it will not be tolerated.

  15. SHUT DOWN WALMART!! Theres far far too many shoplifters caught there EVERYDAY! It takes alot of resources and makes the whole county look bad!

  16. I used to be a bouncer at a bar and we had a dress code that kept most idiots out of the place. NO hats or bandannas on your head, no leather jackets, no tank tops, no drooping pants below your waist, etc. The business can do a lot to control the type of people who patronize their business.

  17. Speaking of Crime, it was criminal for Jim Ireton to hire an outsider for fire chief when he isn't even qualified to be a firefighter. That is fraud, deceit and criminal!

  18. Civilian Law EnforcementMay 11, 2011 at 7:33 AM

    Institute a CURFEW for the under 30 club.
    Unless you have a job verification form and working you must be off the streets by 11:00 p.m.

    The Courts take the place of MOMMY and DADDY so since the little punks and Punkets cannot behave; Keep them off the streets at 11:00 p.m.

    Put it on the Voters Ballot for this year and let the people of this county vote on the Curfew.
    Find 'em on the street after 11:00 w/o no job duties? SEE YA, off to jail for the night; like the Andy Griffith show on Mayberry.
    This will save a whole lot of taxes and court costs for our community, and save on Law Enforcement paperwork and control in the Depression of the 21st Century.

  19. What's hilarious is Gully's isn't even a Salisbury University hotspot. No students go there because it is so vile and ghetto. You know if drunk college students fear their safety at an establishment aimed at them that something is seriously wrong with the institution.

  20. May 11, 2011 10:22 AM

    Why is that hilarious?

  21. I agree gully's is a disgrace to our city and county. The place is more ghetto than church street. A shooting was bound to happen eventually when you invite that maybe disgusting wanna be gangsters into one establishment they are bound to not like one another? Shut it down or make them enforce the rules every other bar uses, dress code, metal detectors, the whole nine yards. They advertised that bar like it was going to be for su students the paint theme all of it and I haven't heard of any su students there since opening week. It became a dump quickly.. the kids that should be hanging out there are so afraid to go near It they'd rather pack into monkey barrel where there is actually some control!

  22. Put a dress code sign out front just like BreakTime did.

  23. It's hilarious because with the name and colors and a statement the owners claimed this bar would be aimed at college students, who may be rough at times, but usually don't go around shooting each other. In fact, the owners pretty much knew that this location would not attract college students for long. Now look what happens.

  24. 7:33 so you are saying I should have been locked up driving home after the orioles game last night since it was after 11? Wow maybe you want to live in nazi germany but I sure don't want to.

  25. Gully's is not the only bar with fights, drugs and shootings. There is one that has been having problems for 10 years, but the owners are old money.


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