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Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama Receives a Few Lessons in History and Geography

Barack Obama was sold to Americans as soooo intelligent.  If that is the case, why does he have a problem with a little basic history and geography.  In the American Thinker, Rick Moran writes about Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempts to provide some basic education to the “Annointed One”:

Netanyahu said that "while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible, because they don't take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes that have taken place over the last 44 years."

In 1967, Netanyahu said, "Israel was all of 9 miles wide -- half the width of the Washington Beltway... So we can't go back to those indefensible lines, and we're going to have to have a long-term military presence along the Jordan."

I wonder how Obama would feel if Washington, D.C. was surrounded by hostile territory and was forced to give up half the area inside the DC Beltway?

H/T – Denise Lovelady @ Talbot GOP


  1. Netanyahu is manipulating the President's comments for the home audience. Obama actually said "start with the 1967 lines, and begin the land swaps from there."

    This has been the standard negotiating point for both sides for decades. No one is suggesting that Israel is going to have to give the Golan Heights back. But if you're going to have a Palestinian state, you've got to put it somewhere!

  2. Maybe, just maybe he reads the teleprompter without having a clue what it says. He actually acted like he had no idea what Netanyahu was saying when the PM was giving him a history lesson during the press conference.

    I guess it's possible that he bumped his head during commando raid practice.

  3. no president in history has ever mentioned the "67 borders". this may have been mentioned behind the scenes, but NEVER for all to hear.

    this is non-negotiable. end of story.......

    "o" is in a position that is beyond his capabilities and we as a nation are suffering for it.

    o happy day when "o" has gone away.

  4. Thank you 10:57!

    I know that you conservatives have all been whipped into a froth by the likes of Rush and Hannity, but you would think you guys would excercise some form of common sense during any of these political debates. I guess you were up in arms when Bush took the same position (negotiate land swaps from a base point of 67)

  5. 11:09, your statement runs 100% contradictory to the facts. If you guys' platform was so strong, you wouldn't have to make false statements and tell half truths to support your claims. The crap coming out of some on the right is just getting outlandish. Hopefully at the end of the day, common sense will prevail.

  6. Obama said what he said and he can't take it back. He stepped on his tongue. Face it Kool-Aid drinkers he stumbled big time here.

    I can't understand why people are still defending the worst president in history. Geez

  7. For those who have conveniently forgotten:

    "Any final status agreement must be reached between the two parties, and changes to the 1949 Armistice Lines must be mutually agreed to. A viable two-state solution must ensure contiguity on the West Bank, and a state of scattered territories will not work. There must also be meaningful linkages between the West Bank and Gaza. This is the position of the United States today; it will be the position of the United States at the time of final status negotiations." - GWB

  8. Here's another for you idiots/loonies. I'm not sure which to call you these days.

    "True, that idea has been the working premise for negotiations since 2000."

    -Charles Krauthammer (conservative media war god) on Obama's recent mideast comments

  9. He's the biggest bull-_______ I've ever seen. Can't believe so many people have been taken in by him. Why he won't even let his college records be released....I can only assume he is ashamed of them, if he went at all!

  10. 11:15 PROVE IT.....

  11. Why doesn't the US just stay out of the Whole MidEast issue. Lets face it we don't have near the cahoonas the Israelies have when it comes to standing up to another arab contry. Let them handle it themselves.They know how to kick butt! We have become weak under this administration unless it is politically beneficial. No i'm not a right winger just a realist!

  12. When do the Native Americans and Mexicans get to reclaim America from us like Israel reclaimed their land from Palestine? I wonder if the Republicans would have a slightly different view of Israel if they had to suffer in the way that Palestine has. The way they have been treated its no wonder that they have turned to Hamas. They are desperate! They should have employed peaceful protest like Ghandi. . .the world would finally see what gangsters Israel consists of. Obama has done more for peace in the middle east than any president in recent memory. He is taking a firm stance and not backing down when BIBI gets on his moral high horse about all the suffering of the Jews. Yeah, join the club, BIBI. . .with the Native Americans and the Mexicans. Do you see them reclaiming Texas? Obama knows the history all too well and did not need a history lesson in the oval office. I don't care how much you hate Obama it looks bad on us to have BIBI talking down to our president on the world news. Obama's words were grossly distorted. . .all the republicans are totally ignoring the "mutually agreed upon land swaps" and are just saying that Obama wants a return to the "Pre 1967 borders". That is bull!

  13. 1:37, 12:56 and 1:00 proved it for you. This is a non-issue and a non-story. GA is just so partisan, that he has to make a story out of nothing to gin up more hate for Obama.

  14. So, what are the Palestinians willing to give up? Answer. Nothing. So what is there to negotiate other than Isreal giving up everything and in turn the muslims kill them all. You dems have no common sense and that is the problem.

  15. If there is anything more enjoyable than reading the rantings and ravings of mouth-foaming patriots decrying fakey-president Omuslimbama, it is reading what these true bastions of sense and reason have to say about topics they know absolutely nothing about. Anyone here a expert in Middle East history or politics? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

    Did not think so.

  16. 2:27 don't see your so called proof; why, because you don't have any.......

    truth; what a concept.

  17. 1:52, no you just sound like a right winger. Presidents on the left and right have tackled this issue for decades. Yet when this pres. tries, it supposedly makes us "weak"? And if we are weak, I guess being stretched in 2 war theaters for close to a decade had nothing to do with us becoming this way?

  18. "it looks bad on us to have BIBI talking down to our president on the world news"

    The truth hurts.

  19. Every Pres has tried it, this is why it wont work. Pray obama drops the ball so our country will not suffer the wrath...


  20. The Palestinians don't owe Israel a thing! People have a right to exist, not nations! The Jews had a right to exist as a people scattered throughout the world as they ended up. Just as Native Americans do. The Jews do not, however, have any claim on the land that they were driven from. Would you accept a group of Native Americans coming to take over your land? They enter, claim a piece of your land and call it their holy land? Hello, you LOST!! Israel is like a stubborn child who misses a shot and calls redo. Who else gets this courtesy?

  21. "Who else gets this courtesy?"

    Certainly not you. Have you considered returning to the country your family came from and taking all your relatives with you? Didn't think so. Should Obama go back to Kenya and share the mud hut with his brother? Not this week, he's half Irish. :^)

  22. You would miss me, my Zionist pal.


    Guys like you are more interested

    in entertainment news anyway. Who

    got a tongue lashing?. . .you don't

    look past what the media tells you

    to believe. You know nothing of

    history and are doomed to be an

    ignorant slave of the Israeli

    gangster state.

    Have a nice day.


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