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Sunday, April 17, 2011


Isn't it amazing that, within only one week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade, the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair during the last few years? And, they even uncovered photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc.! Furthermore, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even know it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the Escalade. Not only that, they know which wedge! And, each & every day, they were able to continue to provide America with updates on Tiger's sex rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, as well as the dates & tournaments in which he will play.

Now, Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for two years, yet this very same press:

·     Cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors;

·     Or find any of Obama's high school or college classmates;

·     Or locate any of his college papers or grades;

·     Or determine how he paid for both a Columbia & a Harvard education;

·     Or discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's;

·     Or even find Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis on racism.

They just can't seem to uncover any of this.

Yet, the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth!

Simply amazing, isn't it?


  1. If he was a white Republican, the media would also let this slide, so whats the problem? And no citizen would even bother to ask a question.

  2. something is fishy and it sure does stink! it has NOTHING to do with white or republican. it has EVERYTHING to do with him taking great pains to conceal things that if revealed, would stop any more "digging".

  3. Imclain, you're wrong - why don't you just go away.

  4. If he was a white Republican, no one would be asking if he was an American or not. Just because he has a funny sounding name, people get scared. And why do you think the Democrats are behind this who big plot to have a Non-American as President? Hmmm? Try to explain that one you conspiracy theorists!

  5. imclaim once again you are totaly WRONG when senator McCain ran for president not only did your beloved left challenge the place of birth of this AMERICAN war hero they took it before a senate committee where they found out he was a legal citizen because senator McCain showed the PROPER paperwork.So it goes to show if you are are a Black media darling legality does not matter .

  6. I don't get the question about his visa to visit Pakistan. In what case does any country other than the country you're planning to visit issue the visa? I mean, when I visited India, my visa was issued by India. When I visited Vietnam, my visa was issued by Vietnam. Cambodia, Cambodia. China, China.

    Wouldn't Pakistan have to issue his visa to visit Pakistan? And if so, what's the big scandal?

  7. the left leaning press LOVES oh. case closed.....

  8. This goes on every Presidency........Be it on the Left or on the Right.

    When W was in office everyone talked about his draft dodging via the Air National Guard (that he did not report to), his DUI's (plural), and his father's connections to the Saudi's via the Carlyle Group.

    That same Left leaning press never pushed the W or Clinton or Reagan and now Obama. It's all a joke. You all get on these sites and bitch about Obama, when none of you realize that Obama and Bush are exactly the same. They all are driven by lobbyist's, Goldman Sachs, the oil executive's, etc.

    The idiots are the people that continued to allow both parties to divide you based on stupid issues. Plenty of white poor republicans that vote because they don't want their guns taken away, while they get screwed by the wealthy and corporations that pay zero taxes. Their are even more stupid democrats that support that party because academic ideology.

    Long story short...........You all bicker about conspiracy theories that some idiot Disc Jockey (Glenn Beck) derives and that basically distracts you all from actually cleaning up the real mess.

    The idiots are all the people on blogs like this. That includes me.............

  9. Hey Mr. Haywood(1159) comment,

    Have you lost a family member as result of the Sept. 9, 2001 or any family memeber from MUSLIMS BLOWING THEMSELVES UP? I bet not and that is why you cannot feel our pain when we have a possible illegal Muslim President in the White House; not because he is black or red or yellow...
    Even in Obama's own book he states that he would hang with the Muslims instead of the Christians. I do not find fault with asking about his credentials to be assigned to the White House. You can call us what ever you want, but Obama has spent Millions of dollars to keep his name out of the courts. Tell me why????
    Have you heard the most recent thing he has done?? Fired all his white protectors around him and hired all black! C'mon man, this dude is tripping and frankly I think he should be piss tested for posible using CRACK. He reminds me of the crack heads we lock up daily...

  10. @ 6:12 Comment

    I feel sorry for you!!! You should really channel that anger to something more productive (and less delusional).

  11. 6:12 - What happend on 9-9-2001?

  12. seriously dan?? Is that all you can come up with is a typo? Grow up this is not preschool and you no longer have to try to be the teachers pet. People make mistakes. That's probably how you ended up on earth.

  13. people....I was being sarcastic....

  14. Dan knows very well what went on on Sept 9,2001 or does he have his head in the sand hole like Obama.

    Did Dan loose relatives like I did on that September morning? Has Dan lost relatives due to Muslims bowing them selves up? I have so unless you walk in my shoes you should not harrass me regarding some typos. Some times as result of schedules I toss a quick comment out without proof reading as noted in this incident. But I tell you what Dan the man: I have been thru Homeland Security training at the Dover Fire school with representatives from various departments in the country and you might be surprised at what goes on behind your back with the border and the Muslims.

  15. 7:54......um.......I believe it was on 9/11...not 9/9. Someone tried to cover for you by indicating that you made a typo. I still believe you made a mistake but it wasn't a typo - that is pretty clear. Did yuo really lose a loved one or are you merely claiming you did to make a point. You see how quickly you can lose credibility when you act before you think?

  16. Sir,

    I am not in any way belittling the horrors you and your family have been through, and I am very sorry for your loss.

    Also, I am quite positive that there are lots of things that go on every day all over the world that would scare the pants off of most people.

    My initial comment was trying to point out that, in the wave of heated diatribes, missing important details makes you look less passionate and more unhinged. I know you meant 9-11 (the first AND second time you wrote 9-9.) Everyone here knew that.

    Details are important, though. If I were to have made that mistake, you and your like would have called for me to be strung and quartered, and used it as "proof" of my stupidity, my anti-American sentiment, and general liberal evil.

    Just because there is evil in this world, though, does not mean that the President is a Kenyan-Muslim-Communist plant. That's all.

    I was not attacking you personally, or your family's exerperience. If that is how it came across, then understand it was not my intention.

  17. It is hard to keep all those illuminati Jewish Cabalistic dates arranged you know?

    911, 7-7, 3-11, 4-29, 4-29, 4-29 (yes I meant to write that one 3 times) etc

  18. 1:37 It's because at the time Obama went to Pakistan. It was on a list of no travel countries in U.S. The only way he could have went there legally was as a citizen of another country.

  19. Oky Doky:


    Want the real deal on our White House President?

    Go to the Web type in Doctor Michael Savage.com

    Listen in Delaware to 92.7 FM and in Maryland to 92.5 FM

    Go to the Web and type in OATH KEEPERS.com

    You may doubt the issues that are affecting our Country right now but you will find CREDIBLE persons on these sites; especially OATH KEEPERS.com.
    Check it out Dan and you will see our concerns...

  20. Again...........

    People like Michael Savage make money off you idiots. They realize that the crazier they are, the more you listen. I'm sure they are surprised as anyone that you actually believe the shit they're saying.

    My challenge to all people is to spend time on positive things that will help others. Every 2 hours you spend listening to Michael Savage are 2 hours that's going to get you closer to Type 2 diabetes, then we all will have to pay for your meds under Medicare (you know, that crazy socialist scheme created to fund big Pharma. Oh wait......that was W's initiative so I guess it's fine with you)


  21. 1032 statment:

    Dr Savage stated you liberals are very angry at the American people b/c we have woken up. Dr. Savage was right by your comments noted above. Now since your surfing the WEB check out OATH KEEPERS.
    As Fred Sanford of Sanford and Son would have said "big dummy"

  22. Dan
    How much time do you spend on this blog? When ever I do get the time you are always here commenting on something. Does your boss know you are here or are you just collecting from the tax payers. I know calling others idiots makes you feel better but it sure doesn't make you look any better.

  23. George Bush paid for Obamas college and Cheny and Haliburton are behind hiding his birth certifacate and school papers. If that were true the left would be all over it. Instead it's Gorge Soros and a bunch of comunist doing it so it's ok.

  24. 12:08 - As much as I loathe commening to people to scared to use thier names...

    I have never called anyone on here an idiot. You may be confused since everyone here calls me one, but I don't do that. I challenge people's ideas, I challenge people when they make outrageous-non-factual statemnets, but I do not call them idiots. Only the Anons do that here.

    I have a job. I work late mornig through night Monday to Friday with an hour lunch. We do not use tax money for anything. It does not take that long to skim through this site, decide if you want to post something, and do so.

    Good now?

  25. Eek. Apologies for the spelling errors above. I did not realize some of the kys on this keyboard stick/do not work if you go to fast.

    Speed kills.


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