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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Man Glued To Toilet Seat In Walmart Bathroom

ELKTON, Md. (AP) -- Elkton police say a man became stuck to a department store toilet seat after someone spread glue on it.

It happened Thursday evening at the Walmart in Elkton. Officials refused to say how long the man was stuck before he was able to get help.

Police say emergency workers removed the seat from the toilet and took the man out with seat still attached to him. The seat was removed at the emergency room at Union Hospital.



  1. What a crappy situation!

  2. I was thinking a sticky situation but crappy works.

  3. Didn't this man's mother tell him to never sit on a public toliet seat! Bet he knows now!

  4. Something smells. Any superglue that would stick him there would have to been applied within seconds before him planting his butt on the seat.$$$$$Walmart has plenty of it. he probably stole the superglue from them to do the job.

  5. Who sits on those things without a paper a*s gasket?

  6. Do that business at home know one wants to smell your stink.Thats one of the first lessons taught at home.Have some class people.


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