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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Interesting Campaign Literature


  1. I think it's EXCELLENT!!

  2. The noise most of the college kids make should be a crime especially when they wake up your entire family at 2:30 in the morning screaming fighting and breaking stuff in the street or like when i caught one urinating on my car

  3. Cory, How do you measure how loud is too loud? Where will you find police to inforce this? Don't get me wrong - they woke me up several (!) times. Called the police too. I think Salisbury would not have a deficit if all the yelling students payed $500 for the noise they make at night.
    The question is: where would we rather want those police officers to be at a given moment. Screeming site or ... break in site?

  4. How are students supposed to face these attacks, cory deserved it for calling the police. This is a college community now and if you cannot embrace it then move.

  5. Disturbing the peace and publicly urinating are arrestable offenses.

    Nothing wrong with arresting students who do what Cory is talking about. That's not just "noise."

    Joe, if you could post that great video of Cohen taking on Webster about the differences maybe it would help people understand.

    Or how about the police get decibel meters like O.C. has like Campbell and Cohen suggested?

  6. Face it, without the University this whole city would be a ghetto. Young people are going to be young people, it doesn't make them notorious criminals. Ever tried talking to your neighbors?

    If that doesn't work get the chain saw out very early in the morning, fire it up and make a point.


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