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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Welfare Reform Act

Since President Johnson declared a war on poverty in 1964, Americans have spent more than $16 trillion on state and federal welfare programs.

 (Watch this video for more information.)
Over the next decade we’re slated to spend another $10 trillion.  Welfare’s chief function should be to help people reach the point where they no longer need it, but even with all these resources put toward assistance for the poor, poverty is actually higher today than it was in the 1970s.

In 1996, House Republicans worked with President Clinton to reform one welfare program, which helped millions of families leave the welfare rolls to provide for themselves again.  Despite this success, national welfare spending has nearly doubled since 1996.  There are currently 77 federal programs that provide assistance specifically to low-income families.  While these programs can offer needed support, they can also trap people into a lifetime of government dependence
Decades of experience prove we can’t just throw money at the problem of poverty.  We need a smarter approach that promotes self-reliance and acknowledges the interconnected nature of all our anti-poverty programs.  That’s why last week the RSC introduced H.R. 1167, the Welfare Reform Act of 2011.  This bill builds on the reforms of 1996 by requiring food stamp recipients to either work or prepare for a job, helping them to become independent of government assistance.  It also gives taxpayers a clearer picture of national welfare spending and returns the federal welfare budget to pre-recession levels after unemployment falls to 6.5%.  Let’s end this cycle of government dependence.  At the end of the day, the most effective welfare benefit is the one that leads to a job.

God Bless,
Congressman Jim Jordan
Chairman, Republican Study Committee


  1. Since 1964 the poor have been supporting the Democratic party and they are still poor today.

  2. drug testing would save millions... if they cant pass a drug test dont give them cash, rent etc.

  3. 9:44.....thats true, but they STIIL ain't working and are STILL getting checks, only NOW, its from a whole lot of different sources and in greater amounts. If I had less pride and was willing to live in squalor, I'd vote democrat and take the checks too. But I enjoy a better life working for what I have. And can look in the mirror with some self-respect and answer to no man for the things I have.

  4. Votes well bought for the democratic party. This country went in the crapper once non property owners were allowed to vote and income tax was started. Govt needs to figure out a system that only allows citizens with skin in the game to vote. Votes are easily bought now..more and more people voting dont even care who or what they are voting for, just as long as they are getting something. In my opinion, if you live on the govts tit you shouldn't have a say in the direction our country takes. Work your way off welfare and contribute to your country...then get a vote. Welfare is a temp program NOT a way of life, but for many it's just that. These programs, in their current state, our whats wrong with America.


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