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Monday, March 21, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do You Support U.S. Participation In Libya?


  1. How can we be participating? Obama is in Rio. Gates is in Russia. Pelosi is in Afganistan. Where but the US is Hillary?

  2. NO-we have no business interferring in another county's civil war.
    And mark my word-if Kadafi feels his end is near he is going to kill as many Libyian citizens as he can. He will retailate against this by killing his own people and it will be Obama's fault if that happens. Kadafi is a madman and capable of anything and it's not a big secret.

  3. I feel that no one should be participating. It's a civil war they are fighting and they should be allowed to handle their own business. Just imagine if other countries would have helped the "rebels" during the U.S. Civil War.

  4. pardon the french, but HELL NO! we are not the appointed police of the world. it wouldnt surprise me to hear that the US led the citizen uprising so we could attack and put our own guy in there!

  5. only if gas prices will go back down b/c of it.

  6. The rebels are backed by al Qaeda so it is evil vs. evil. This is a no win situation. Do not give the rebels any arms or they will end up killing Americans.

  7. We've got our own war at our southern border with Mexican drug cartels and an invasion of our border almost at will and nothing is being done.

    People from all over the world are using Mexico as their stepping stone to invading this country.

    We need to start putting The Untied States of America first.

  8. No. It's Obama's wag the dog. We can no longer afford to build nations.

  9. no. don't we have enough soldiers in harms way?

  10. No. We're only involved because there's oil.

  11. The U.S.A. is not the world's police force. My foreign policy will be; 1)allow the 192 member U.N. to be responsible for internal civil conflicts when help is requested 2)engage in military assistance only when a U.S. Allies border has been breached by an enemy.

    Thomas J. Miller
    Registered Candidate R., President of the United States of America 2012
    Federal Election Commission ID: P20001947
    Principal Campaign Committee: Reduce Government Miller for President
    ID: C00462010

  12. No, absolutely not! And I agree with the previous poster that if we want to fight a war--we should fight the one with out southern border. Anybody and everybody is coming into this country from Mexico.

  13. Hey...11:50....you're absolutely correct. We're involved because of the oil.

  14. at this point i dont support our involvment in any other country unless it pertains to the national security and well being of the citizens of this country.we are broke and our forces are spreading thin.we have our own issues here at home that need to be dealt with but its obvious our leaderd are more concerned with foreign policy at this point.
    i am a firm believer in give until it hurts but we are far past that point.

  15. Anyone else stop to consider that with what's going on in Japan, Libya and the entire middle east that maybe the Mayan's were right, Dec. 2012? According to the Bible it won't be by flood but nothing mentioned nuclear war (started by a 3rd. world country).

  16. Only in the aspect of discussing with the UN who would be the best person or people to replace KQGHadaffi or however he is spelling it these days.

  17. This world is going to hell in handbasket.

  18. How are we debating the reduction of public workers' pay, but are ready at a moments' notice to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Libya?

  19. No, if we didn't intervene in the civil war in the Sudan where Christians were being slaughtered and children enslaved by Muslims, then we don't belong in this civil war either.

  20. No....couldn't agree with 6:44 more.Trying to pass this intervention off on humanitarian grounds is the height of deceit.

    Want to spend US $ on humanitarian needs?..look no further than those who live right here who are in desperate need of aid.


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