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Monday, March 14, 2011

MDGOP Statement On MD Union Protests

ANNAPOLIS Maryland Republican Party Chairman Alex X. Mooney issued the following statement today regarding union protests scheduled for this evening:
“Union protestors descending on Annapolis illustrate the strong disconnect between union bosses and Maryland taxpayers. While the average Marylander grapples with record unemployment and 7,100 additional jobs lost in January, state union workers are set to receive a $750 raise and five extra paid vacation days financed by struggling Maryland taxpayers. Public employees in Maryland enjoy some of the most generous taxpayer funded benefit packages in the nation and their faux outrage over modest increases in their personal benefit contributions is a slap in the face to taxpayers.”


  1. Get rid of the Unions altogether! They are in the same boat with Slick Rick and Freddie Mac. They just don't get it! How many of them left their jobs today and costed extra to replace them???

  2. If we keep unions we need to tax them so we can fund social security it's only fair that the tax payers who fund their pensions have one of their own.

  3. the $750 is a one bonus and will be taxed at 45%. it is an attempt to make the state workers happy.

  4. I say fire them all!
    They should be grateful they have a job when so many are looking for work!
    I have to pay for whatever benefits I get and it doesn't include a pension.
    I think they need a reality check!

  5. I'm not sure what MD state workers get, but I can tell you that as a local government worker, I contribute a substantial amount of money each pay into my pension, and my retirement benefit is nowhere near the 70, 80, even 90% benefit that some governments offer.

    Not that I'm complaining. I'm just saying that not all governments hand out unsustainable pension and benefit packages. It's unfair to stereotype all government workers.

  6. I know teachers were going up after school today- on their own time! Teachers have not seen any step increases or cost of living in the last two years and I seriously doubt we will see one this year either.

  7. My employer stopped contributing to my 401k over three years ago when the economy went south. Haven't received a quarterly or christmas bonus in over 5 years. I'm making over 10K less per year and if I want benefits, I have to pay for them out of pocket! If the teachers don't like it tough!!!!
    Welcome to my world and most everyone else in private and most government sectors. The way things are going, I'll be lucky if I even have a 401K by the time I retire. I don't feel a damn bit sorry for them! We are feeling the pain, its time they face reality!

  8. Teachers are paid great salaries for 10 months a year, constant days off, less work and pressure than in the real world of business and better benefits. They have it great! This from someone is from the education world too.

  9. Ok, we are not doing any better then you. Yes, I have a job, so sould I quit because you don't? Look I didn't fire you, I wasn't able to hire you. Yet I have to put up with all your hate. We keep taking what they take from us for one reason only and that is to have a job. I am a tax payer just like most of you. Don't think we don't? I am not not a union member, as I stated before, if you do your job why the need for a union? How would you feel if your employer said that you have to take a day off without pay? Still feel it is fair? How about working for someone for 11 years and not get a raise or a cost of living increase. Plus not only that but your health care goes up, co-payments go up your AGI goes down year after year and yes we do have to buy gas at the same prices that you do and everything eles. One thing to remember is that I could be you tomorrow. But right now I am here to help you and take your abuse.

  10. Well, did any protestors show up? I haven't seen a peep in the news medias.

  11. Jaimie Ridgely NBCT 08March 14, 2011 at 10:03 PM

    Interestingly enough, I am a teacher and we are NOT receiving a $750 raise, or 5 paid vacation days this year from the taxpayers. In fact, we haven't had a step or cola in a couple years. The demands of teaching have increased, and Maryland educators have met them. In fact, for 3 years in a row MD public schools have ranked # 1 in the NATION. We have also produced the top performing AP scores for two years in a row. Whoever wrote, "less work and pressure than in the real world of business and better benefits," obviously has no idea what a real educator does or the pressure that we face. I would love to invite anyone who thinks that teachers "have it made" to come join me in the classroom for a week.

  12. I've been a teacher and my husband is a state employee. All we want is no more furlough days. Forget the $750,any other pay increases, and the additional paid days off. As taxpayers we dont' support it. He is thankful to have a job. Just halt the furlough daysand we'd be happy.

  13. 10:03 You have no idea what the real world of pressure is!!! Get some cheese to go with that whine. Kids can hardly read. Wi Middle is in a crisis because of the job teachers are doing. We have a number of schools in the county that just aren't doing a good job. In the real world you would be unemployed for these results. You don't get paid based on performance. Your performance doesn't even matter. Hide behind the kids. Make excuses. YOU do have it made in comparison. You work about 8 months a year minus all the days off in comparison. You don't work in the conditions of extreme temperatures like others do. BMS is a cake walk compared to working in a freezer, on a roof, on the water, in the rain. You have short days and built in breaks to plan your day. In the real world you don't get this, you just work extra. Your benefits are much better. Shut up and be glad you even have jobs!!! Soon we'll put kids on-line and you won't have jobs. Then you will really whine.

  14. Dear Anonymous 3:03am,
    You clearly have no idea what a teacher has to deal with during the school day! Imagine being in a classroom with a student that has been up all night listening to his or hers drunk parents fight all night. Or, imagine the student that has had their parents cook drugs in the house all night. Or, the child that has both parents working 24-7 and has no time for them. Or, the kids who's parents would rather go to the bar and not help them with homework. Also too, all of the kids these days know that they are going to pushed along and they don't care. I could give more examples but lets be real here!!
    Imagine not having the freedom to step out of the box and teach based on the needs of the students. Teachers get told what to teach. They are teaching children how to take a state or federal mandated test. Teachers are not allowed to deviate from this curriculum. I don't know what kind of job you have, but try to imagine doing it with people who don't speak english. I say this because everyday, teachers have spanish speaking students thrown in to their classroom that can't speak english. These students are then REQUIRED to take a MARYLAND or FEDERAL test in ENGLISH. try going to China and after 6 months taking test in Mandarin Chinese. Teachers are then slammed for having low test scores.
    As far as working outside in the elements, I worked 5 years as a Land Surveyor. I worked in the heat, cold, rain and walked through the swaps of Lower Somerset County. I would do any job over being a teacher and having to put up with all of the political bull crap they have to endure on a day to day bases.
    Remember too... You would not have your job if it weren't for a teacher. You wouldn't be able to read this, if it weren't for a teacher! Teachers get no respect!!! Oh, and thank a teacher that taught the student that designed this webpage so that you can complain on subjects that you have no REAL idea about!!


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