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Monday, March 07, 2011

Gas Hits $3.50 A Gallon

A report just came in, (with photo) of regular unleaded gas at $3.49.9 a gallon in Berlin. I'm having some problems loading pictures at the moment but when I can I'll update this Post with the image.


  1. Well I paid $3.59/gallon yesterday in the Philly area!

  2. Give it two more weeks and we'll be at $4.

  3. I paid $3.57 in Selbyville/Fenwick area arcoss from Harris Teeter

  4. and Exxon took home $14 trillion yesterday alone

  5. this is a crime, especially with so many out of work, or at minimum wage!

  6. Anon 12:20PM, not for regular you didn't! It is $3.42 today & that is the highest it has been.

  7. We just paid $3.69 on saturday in Georgia.

  8. The speculators on wall street are raking in the cash!!! This is how wall street thanks the "little guy/tax payer" for bailing them out.

  9. At least when its $4 a gallon it will be easier to add up in your head what a full tank will cost

  10. Glad I bought my (American made) Prius. Can't afford to drive my (Canadian made) Chevy truck very much these days.

    You need to wonder why Government officials in D.C. continue to use 13.5 MPG SUVs as limos while preaching the merits of junk like the VOLT to the rest of us.


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