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Monday, February 28, 2011

Salisbury's New Fire Boat Will Now Cost $1,000,000.00

Will Councilman Gary Comegys be dragged into tonight's council Meeting to vote on the infamous Fire Boat, probably not.

The reason, Councilwoman Campbell will be flying to Harvard this morning to attend classes this week and she will not be present to vote. That means Comegys won't even need to be present to pass the purchase.

Nevertheless, the price is now $1,000,000.00, not $900,000.00. Surprise, Surprise!


  1. this council will approve the boat without giving any thought to the expenses later. obviously the people that will vote to approve did not read the grant papers (that i paid $175.00 for so i could read them) that i provided to all the council members and the mayor. the fire dept cannot fulfill the require the requirements of the grant and the council doesn't seem to believe me when i tell them this fact.
    this council will continue to inflict damage to salisbury until the last day of their term i suppose. thanks sjd

  2. and it is ALL for the GLORY of going to OC in whatever summer month to show off a D*mn boat. PATHETIC leadership from both the SFD and the City Council.

    I guess my desire for big house and lots of cars comes before my fiscal responsibility.

  3. One of the first things that a responsible governing official should have done would be to prepare a financial plan that documented the estimated costs associated with owning and maintaining this vessel. This is basic planning that any intelligent, educated individual should understand. $1,000,000 may represent the PRICE but it does not represent the COST.

    I am saying the same thing the 12:11 PM contributor said but in a different manner. If City officials do not understand this, they are just plain stupid.

  4. If this purchase happens , which I believe it will , the democrats and liberals are trying very hard before they are tossed out by election or national revolt. I can't remember when a fire boat has been used in Salisbury to put a fire out. Maybe I'm wrong , I'll call George , maybe he knows.

  5. From a previous Daily Times article:

    ."Dixon said the current council approaches spending in a way they feel is in the best interest of the city. As a volunteer member of the Salisbury Fire Department, Dixon points to the purchase of a new fireboat as a smart investment.

    It's important that you vote against JOEL DIXON!!

    Watch who you vote for!

  6. Rediculous!!!!! Another toy for big boys to play with.... Like a new big TONKA Truck!!!!!!

  7. Lets name it the "Bubba-dub-dub"

  8. Dixon is a firefighter in Ann Arundel County and too young to remember any fires in Salisbury. PLEASE REMEMBER, he is financed by four (4) people from Lexington SC, Charlene Lococ from Ocean Pines (not Berlin), Coastal Comfort from Hebron as well as by Justine Hopkins from Fairfax Station VA (is it a coincident that East Salisbury Realty LLC is owned by somebody in Fairfax Station VA?).

  9. I have spoke to several people today about the fire boat. None can remember when a fire boat was needed. One resident has been here for over 60 years.
    The only excuse for the purchase is that ,it is GRANT money.
    Grant money = tax money = money out of my pocket. My 11 year old granddaughter understands this completely , what's wrong with these people in the city?

  10. 153.. Coastal Comfort has nothing to do with rentals. Check your facts.

  11. Grant Money is "free" but

    If someone give you a GRANT to purchase a 757 Jetliner, would it really make sense to purchase it? After all, all you would need is a flight crew and a couple thousand gallons of jet fuel to start...

  12. 2:47 - Never said that Coastal Comfort has to do anything with rentals. They contributed $250 to Dixon and they are in Hebron. I know they do heat and air cond. So what? why they need him on Salisbury Council? Friends asked them to donate? Be more critical.
    After Louise taught me a lesson I will question everything. Thanks Louise!

  13. 311pm- please contact Coastal and ask them why they donated . 410-742-1435.

  14. Dixon happens to be dear friends with the Gordys see the connection?

  15. You know that they are going to have to build a "AAA" hotel to park this thing in...with possibly a dormitory for the crew.

    Will they ever learn?

  16. 3:45 go ahead, tell us. Why only I should know?

  17. Councilman Comegys a long time firemen needs to abstain from voting on any fire related issues that could benefit him or his fellow firemen. LSB

  18. Well, the new fire chief went along with the unnecessary toys group -- so I guess he is fittinf right in instead of think of us taxpayers. Thanks Mayor -- we really appreciate getting the shaft -- AGAIN.

  19. Cohen voted against it tonight.

    The lone voice of reason.

  20. Jim Ireton was a jerk tonight. He lashed out at Terry Cohen saying she was making a campaign speech when she simply asked if staff had followed up on something asked at work session. The Comegys piled on for good measure.

    SFD gets a new toy and yippe new youkneeforms while the wage doesn't feed the family and the SPD brothers get nothing while trying to tackle crime.

    Ireton is as bad as Tilghman. It's all about looking good, who cares if it works or costs too much.


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