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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Marylander's Beware, Liberals Will Attempt To Get Rid Of The Death Penalty Very Soon!

The wet pants liberals are working diligently, (behind the scenes) to actually remove the death penalty in the state of Maryland.

I have personally spoken to members of the Maryland State Delegation who have advised me that Democrats have introduced legislation to completely eliminate the death penalty and many believe they'll have enough votes to get it passed.

Now, get this. It could actually happen as early as February! So why haven't you seen anything in the Main Stream Media? Because Maryland is a liberal state and most newspapers in Maryland are liberal as well.

Imagine this. IF they were to pass this legislation, this means the Thomas Leggs case where the State is seeking the death penalty would have been a complete waste of time and money. It means, should Thomas Leggs get convicted and receive the death penalty, he'd never see death row.

Salisbury News will deliver the exact legislative proposal this coming week but I will tell you that I have seen a physical copy of the document and couldn't believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. We've been told that even if Governor O'Malley sits back on this legislation and doesn't sign it, it could still pass into law and he would walk away as if he never had anything to do with it.

We'll keep you posted.


  1. and by "death row" you mean sitting in a cell for 20 years, with endless appeals before finally justice is served? The way it is setup now, it's BS anyway.

  2. yes but frist we will get in statecollege tuition for all those undocumented workers, more free aid for all us suffering poor in baltimore and PG county. didn't know you all were already providing us with free cell phones, did ya?
    Wait till you see what else we got waiting for all you fools to give to us! get used to it!
    what's yours is now mine!

  3. Doesn't surprise me , ECI is similar to the Hilton hotel now. I wish I was back there. I got my degree and it was free , no jobs available now days.

  4. Thomas Leggs will get the death penalty regardless of the legislation. As soon as he gets to prison he'll be done. It won't be pretty, but those prisoners will get him and it won't be pretty. It will be torture which is what he deserves. Lethal injection or gas is way way too good for him. He needs to suffer.

  5. Look at all the people who have been freed beacuse of DNA evidence. Do you want to out an inocent man to death?

  6. Release Leggs!!!...I will save you time and $$$$. AND Wont even need the Legis. votes either!!!

  7. I'm going to write a stern letter to Babs Mikulski so I can get a "sit down and be quiet, we know what's best for you" form letter.

  8. O'Malley will sign the bill. It will likely be an administration bill. We need to become very vocal. There is one murderer on Death Row who killed someone from Wicomico and one is awaiting trial.

  9. death row is a joke... takes so many years to kill them... I say if sentenced to death they should within the month!!

  10. Joe, See the DT article today about Judge Hot Dog Simpkins. No one ever gets put to death in MD. We need to either enforse the death penalty or stop fooling ourselves.

  11. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone or in this case push the first needle.

  12. Is there DNA in the leggs case?

  13. Capital punishment is a deterent to crime. Death penalty with three (3) appeals within an 18 month period. At the 2nd concurance appeals stop and execute within 10 days. That will reduce the Division of Corrections budget and save Tax Payers millions of dollars a year. The DemocRATS are Progressive Liberals that only care about how much Tax dollars can they stuff their pockets with. Their voting block is bought with Tax dollars to the under priviledge and families of convicts and ex-convicts that receive thousands of dollars a year. Who do you think tried to give them voting priviledges. They need this group to live so they can vote. My 2nd Amendment Rights protect me not the Law. That is why these DemocRATS wants my guns.

  14. I wish Maryland used the death penalty like Texas they would not be sitting around for years, they would be toast game over.

  15. What if a relative of yours was convicted of murder. And then as someone suggests, is killed within ten days. Then on the twelfth day it turns out the DNA was planted and they actually put your relative to death by accident. Then what?

  16. anonymous 7:35, use your head!

    If they have the dna, fry the sob. If a family member of mine killed someone, especially a child, FRY THEM! If there's evidence to absolutely prove they did it, they're NOT my family any more.

    So that's how I feel.

  17. Do you really mean to say this trial will be a"waste of time" unless he gets the death penalty?

  18. The way the death penalty laws are set up now the State would have to have DNA to even seek the death penalty. Of course they could use video/audio taped confession, which isn't happening because Leggs has never had to be held responsible for anything he ever did in life, his mother made excuses for him. If Leggs being the sick SOB he is had video taped the crime against Sarah Foxwell, they could use that to seek the death penalty. We know he didn't confess and we know he didn't video tape the murder, so I think it is safe to say the state has DNA otherwise they wouldn't be seeking the death penalty.

    IF they take the death penalty out of MD completely, when Leggs comes to trial the most he can get is Natural Life in prison or whatever the maximum sentence allowable by the liberal laws of MD. Why do you think Charles Manson is still alive? CA repealed the death penalty, therefore, he lives to this day at the expense of taxpayers, as will Leggs if the idiots repeal the death penalty.

  19. anonymous 7:48, Hey, Idiot, you better believe that if Wicomico County is spending all that money on a death penalty trial and they drop the death penalty, yes, it will be a complete waste of money. Only Taylor and McGuire could be so stupid to send in such a comment.

  20. Joe, I'm saying what if they completely thought that your family member killed someone and then after they have been put to death they actually prove that he/she didn't do it. Then should all the people involved be put to death for ending an innocent person's life? That question is never answered. How do you compensate people who are dead and were incorrectly killed.

  21. anonymous 8:07, you do NOT put someone to death in Maryland unless you have the dna proof. End of story.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Thomas Leggs will get the death penalty regardless of the legislation. As soon as he gets to prison he'll be done. It won't be pretty, but those prisoners will get him and it won't be pretty. It will be torture which is what he deserves. Lethal injection or gas is way way too good for him. He needs to suffer.

    3:26 PM

    Took the words right out of mouth!

  23. DNA proof has been wrong before. There is human and scientific error in every case. Noone has the right to subject someone's life to human and scientific error. DNA evidence can be wrong or tainted or old or a number of other things.

  24. anonymous 8:28, ENOUGH of your BS. That's the last comment like that in which I'm going to let through. If the police, then a judge, then a jury along with dna convicts a person and they are put to death, that's good enough. Leggs has FOUR different attorneys representing him. If they can't save him, put him down if he's found guilty.

  25. I agree with the death penalty. And I do agree there could be a 1 in 1 million chance of an error. But, I think the deterent is needed especially as the society is getting more violent. I agree with several comments that the process needs to be quicker too.

  26. I support the death penalty and always have. We would not see many repeat offenders if they are all put down like the rabid animals they are such as Thomas Leggs,Jr. We need it now more than ever with all this violent crime. It will be a deterent.

  27. Sure isn't much of a deterrent in Texas.

  28. we need to profile the heredity and social conditions that create such monsters and eliminate them prenatally

  29. 7:44 but that would be abortion and conservatives are not for that! Come on now.


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