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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Doubling The Flush Tax Is Proposed, With McIntosh As Possible Sponsor

House Environmental Matters Committee Chairwoman Maggie McIntosh said she will introduce legislation doubling the annual flush tax from $30 to $60 per household “if no one else will do it.”

Maryland’s Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee is proposing the hike. The new revenue is needed, the committee says in its new [...] Continue Reading...


  1. We reelected these clowns - mostly because we didn't get a real 'choice'...(tax/spend)ers on both sides.
    Someone else will steal that revenue too - just like last time.

  2. We may see some "revenue enhancements" come out of Annapolis but no new taxes or increases. O'Malley promised!

  3. This is exactly why I informed Ehrlich to not invoke the tax from the very inception of the idea.

    I informed him that it would end-up just like Wicomico's dump permit.

    And so goes the rest of the story.

  4. I think they're called 'fees'!

  5. Maryland is filled with whackos who love regulating sewage treatment plants, but the EPA's new TMDL limits will accelerate that exponentially. The flush tax is supposed to provide grants for upgrades, but the money raised is so far behind the actual cost that doubling the tax still won't cover it. I regret this will likely pass this year.

  6. 12:03 what is the difference between fees and taxes? Fees are a one time charge. Taxes are a continuos charge. I am calling for an audit on this Flush Tax to see where and how this money is being used. Since it has been reported how the surrounding States have emptied pollutants in the rivers that empty in the bay why are Marylanders responsible? Why are Municipalities allowed to empty in the rivers instead of treat the waste? These employees should be held accountable / or fired. This also goes for the Politians when this happens on a continuous basis.

  7. how bout we flush annapolis and all those idiot democrats!

  8. That isn't the largest % fee hike likely to be proposed to come out of MDE

  9. when we pay our water/sewer bill, doesn't that take care of it? If it doesn't, it should and that's double taxation...oops double fee-ing.


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