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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last-Minute Democrat Treachery

After repeatedly promising voters before November's election that they wouldn't attempt to cram any more contentious leftist legislation down Americans' throats during the subsequent lame-duck session, Democratic congressional leaders are showing once again what conscienceless frauds they truly are. Or maybe the phrase Sarah Palin used recently is even better: "corrupt bastards."

Here's what's happening:

Having been overwhelmingly repudiated in a historic landslide election, Congress members can harbor no illusions about the will of the people, which can be summarized succinctly as follows: Stop forcing your jobs-killing, wealth-killing, freedom-killing, delusional, destructive leftist agenda on us. OK? We don't want it, and we won't accept it. Not now, not ever!

Yet, in the waning few days of the 111th Congress, the Democrats seem obsessed with forcing – just as they forced Obamacare down our unwilling throats – one monstrosity after another upon us: amnesty for millions of illegal aliens (DREAM Act); tax hikes on job creators during a recession with at least 17 percent real unemployment; a treaty with Russia (New START) that will hobble America's prospects for missile defenses in an increasingly dangerous world; and forcing open homosexuality on the U.S. armed forces despite compelling evidence it will undermine and weaken our military.

Permit me to state the obvious: These congressional leaders have nothing but contempt for you, for the Constitution and for common sense. They're drunk on power, and they live for self-aggrandizement and personal enrichment. One might ask, how do they sleep at night? Their consciences are anesthetized by their almost religious adherence to an insane utopian ideology that always fails, that justifies the most outrageous assaults on personal liberty and wealth, and that simultaneously imparts to them the delusion that they are righteous, compassionate and enlightened leaders.

OK, that's the Democrats. So what about the Republicans?

Congressional Republicans could probably stop all of this naked legislative subversion if they really wanted to.

How? To begin with, they can be absolutely united – no exceptions, no compromises, no quid pro quo deals – in opposing every bit of the Democrats' let's-screw-America-on-the-way-out-the-door legislative campaign. They can filibuster – it's a very powerful tool. And perhaps most important, they can go public – current Republicans as well as incoming Republicans not yet seated – and burn down the airwaves with truthful, expertly crafted, no-punches-pulled explanations of precisely what the Democrats are doing. In other words, they can demonstrate real courage.                                         

Keep reading..

1 comment:

  1. This article is stupid. The Republicans want to ram down the throats of American citizens a tax bill that gives the wealthy a hugh tax breaks. Their thing is, if this tax bill does not past, all other bills will be lamed duck to hell. I don't agree with the "Dream Act" or the "DADT" and I hope these two bills don't get a past. But, I do not want a tax bill approved that gives the wealthy americans a tax breaks. It seems to me that the rich are running this country. They are the reason why unemployment is so high, especially while they sit back and wait for the Senate and the House make up their minds. If the rich truly loved this country, jobs would have been available. And, unemployment would not be high. The wealthy and big businesses rule this country.
    The writer of this article need to watch C-Span, C-Span2 and C-span3 to get the facts. The Republican party have been the jerks this time.


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