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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Interpol Puts Assange On Most-Wanted List

Interpol has put WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on its most-wanted list at the request of a Swedish court looking into alleged sex crimes from this year.

The Stockholm Criminal Court issued an international arrest warrant for Assange two weeks ago on probable cause, saying he is suspected of rape, sexual molestation and illegal use of force in August incidents.

Sweden asked Interpol, the international police organization, to post a "Red Notice" after a judge approved a motion to bring him into custody.

The "Red Notice" is not an international arrest warrant. It is an advisory and request, issued to 188 member countries "to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition," according to Interpol.



  1. so someone finally sheds some light on the dirty dealings of the current administration and they now want him locked up for exposing thier misdeeds!
    almost to funny!
    This is why most of the world hates americans, becasue of the things like this our government does when no one is watching!

  2. payback huh obama?

  3. It's stolen from our country it belongs to our government and will probably deter other countries from working with us again leaving all of us worse off and exposed. I don't care if what has been released has been more of an embarrassment to the Obama administration or not it has the potential to destroy are ability to protect the country. Wake up fools !

  4. 12:42 Sweden put him on the list, not America. Read the freaking article. Also, Sweden isn't mentioned in the cables so they have no reason to shut him up. Finally, you all say how we support our troops, yet you're supporting a website that is putting all of their lives at risk. The cables list active spies names and gives up military tactics. Each day those pages stay on the internet the more likely lives will be lost. They have nothing to do with domestic policies and most of the cables are before Obama. If you're going to argue about them, start to read them.

  5. If wikileaks goes ahead with exposing dirty dealings of a large US bank like they've threatened to, being locked up may be the safest thing for Assange. The financial elites will silence this guy one way or another if he gets 'too close'. Several guys have turned up dead in past year or two that had info on some very large bank that they didn't want exposed.

  6. Interpol is just doing its job according to protocol. I agree that the allegations themselves can be untrue and are currently unproven, but if Interpol received an alert from Swedish police it can't just shrug its shoulders and "Yeah....sorry, we can't send out an alert for that."


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