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Thursday, December 16, 2010

FTC: Dannon Agrees To Stop Selling Activia As Cure For Irregularity

More than a year after settling a class-action lawsuit over false advertising claims, Dannon has finally settled a separate but related complaint from the Federal Trade Commission. As a result, the company says it will no longer market unproven health benefits of its Activia and DanActive yogurts. 

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  1. Good! I'm tired of their commercials. ActiviAAAAAA!

  2. My husband eats it every morning and says it works for him! He will now buy anything Jamie Lee Curtis is promoting. cj

  3. Any yogurt will work. Yogurt has always sent me running to the bathroom! Can't do things like Slim Fast for the same reason!
    Do you really need to eat/drink a laxative every day? That's in essence what you're doing!

  4. Well the active ingredient is called "bifidus regularis" if you didnt smell bs from that name then i have lots of stuff i want to sell you... call me


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