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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Fancy Colleges Don't Matter

Smart and ambitious students should go to community college and state school, and save their money for funding their dreams. At least that's one way to look at a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research that found going to a college where kids have higher SAT scores doesn't result in more money after they graduate.



  1. Really? What is the average salary of a Wor-Wic graduate versus a Harvard graduate?

  2. 8:47-Maybe you should compare 4 year colleges with similar degree programs, not a commmunity college with an Ivy League school.

    For me, it's all about cost basis. Why go to SU, when I could attend Michigan State, UGA, or USF for roughly the same price? Name recognition does matter, it can be the difference between no call back and a 2nd interview. Plus, lets be honest...a school with 50 million in endowments compared to ones with 300-400 million is quite a different atmosphere.

  3. 8:47 here. I totally agree with you in terms of name recognition of your school and cost. I went to a school with a 2009 endowment of about 3 billion. It certainly creates a better atmosphere. And in my opinion the education is priceless.

    My post was just in response to the title of the article "Fancy Colleges Dont Matter". Which I totally disagree with. And the first sentence "Smart and ambitious students should go to community college...".

  4. It's not what you do in College. It's what you do after Collete. Did you forget Bill Gates was a Harvard drop out?

  5. There are a lot of good points to this. I made the mistake of going to an expensive private college my first year and a half before finishing at SU, where I got the same quality of education at a quarter the price. I have a friend that went to a $30k+ a year private school and is now an elementary school teacher. That much money spent in tuition just wasn't necessary.

  6. Come on now. Bill Gates last name was "Gates".

    Little Bill didn't come out of nowhere. He had a lot of help. The invention and development of the personal computer was a well planned and orchestrated event. He was in the right place at the right time, and from the right family.

    Don't let MSNBC fool you with their little biographical propaganda pieces. You son or daughter will not repeat what happened TO Bill Gates.

    On the other hand, the local convenience store sells lottery tickets every single day. You might want to try your luck at that little game . . .

  7. Some of the dumbest people I know are college graduates.

  8. It's always the degree program, not the school. And it's the amount of "hustle" in the student.


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