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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Democrat Mythology, Part III: Helping The Poor

Socialist politics are based around the need to provide for the less fortunate, whose misfortune is entirely beyond their control.  They’re either victims of a merciless system that won’t let them get ahead, or the hapless prey of the Evil Rich.  Part of this mindset involves an essential disdain for the capabilities of lower-class individuals.  The idea of elevating them by providing opportunity is dismissed as a smokescreen deployed by greedy fat-cats and their paid minions.  The poor must be guided and cared for.

Since the poor cannot take care of their own needs, and the benevolence of greedy citizens is unreliable, the power of the State must be deployed on their behalf.  Initially, this takes the form of relatively modest welfare programs, but it soon expands into the system of tax-and-spend liberalism we recognize today.  The State appropriates huge sums of money from the upper and middle class, to fund various programs for selected constituencies, who reward the socialist with their loyal votes.

The next step is income redistribution, which comes with the concept of punitive taxation.  The upper echelon of taxpayers is not merely asked to provide necessary funds for carefully managed welfare programs; they are meant to suffer from the seizure of their income.  Any resistance to the seizure of income is a sign of sinister and inexcusable greed, as they seek to evade their righteous punishment. 

Take a moment to tour the more energetic liberal websites, and you’ll see the indisputable truth of this observation.  High-income taxpayers pay a disproportionate share of our total income tax burden – the top 1% of income earners pay about 37% of the total tax burden, while the top 5% pay almost 60%.  They are not thanked for covering the lion’s share of taxes… far from it.  They are hated and despised, except for loyal and visible members of the Party, of course. 

Why would that be, if the purpose of liberal politics is to take care of the poor and downtrodden?  If the programs designed to assist the poor are receiving adequate funding, why would the compassionate leftist be angry at those who provide the funding, for the crime of resisting an effort to appropriate more of their income?                    

There's lots more-- keep reading


  1. powerful

    a must read for the black community

    of course it won't happen because Shanie and Cherye as well as Mary Ashanti have a vested interest in keeping the black community poor, controlled, and in the dark

    it's how they hang on to the power!

  2. yet the same conservatives that scream "liberal" are often the ones taking advantage of social security, medicare, unemployment benefits, farm subsidies etc.


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