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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

2 Million Lose Jobless Benefits As Holidays Loom

Nearly half of unemployed in U.S. have been out of work for more than six months
Extended unemployment benefits for nearly 2 million Americans begin to run out Wednesday, cutting off a steady stream of income and guaranteeing a dismal holiday season for people already struggling with bills they cannot pay.

Unless Congress changes its mind, benefits that had been extended up to 99 weeks will end this month.

Hours before beefed-up benefits were set to expire at midnight on Tuesday, Democrats sought to extend them for another year. But they were blocked by Republican Senator Scott Brown, who said Democrats should have taken time to work out a compromise.

"It's not the way to do business in the United States Senate, and if it is it needs to change," Brown said.



  1. Thanks Obama the the useless Democrats!!

  2. i dont care if you have been out of work for more than a year you are not looking for a job yes it might not be the same pay you were getting but yes there are jobs you just have to lower you standards a little

  3. 99 weeks is more then enough. Look at the history of unemployment benefits in the Netherlands Joe. There have been studies done to show that the majority of those on unemployment will stay on unemployment as long as they can before they go out and get another job.

  4. Obviously, the people above have not lost their jobs.

  5. 99 weeks and can't find a job? LIARS! My own son lost his job and withing 2 weeks had TWO jobs...one pays more than I make (and I make a good money). Maybe if these people got up earlier than say, 10 or 11 am, and actually went outside (instead of cruising the internet), and quit watching Judge Judy or General Hospital, and whining...well a job CAN be found. A little more effort than just waiting for the mailman is required. Yeah, I said it.

  6. How can conservatives on one hand point to job losses and scream it's Obama's fault, then on the other say there are plenty of jobs but people just don't want to work? Am I the only one who finds their "logic" hilarious?

  7. Now for the bad news:

    There aren't any jobs to be found and there won't be any found soon either.

    The economy has been imploded by the very people who propped it up in the first place, namely the wall street investment crowd. The previous "good years" were never identified as "good years" while they were happening. They are only good in comparison to the present. They were made possible by rapid debt creation.

    American economy is retail oriented. We don't produce anything because our manufacturing jobs have been outsourced by the sucessful corporate owners who convinced our government to enter into unfair trade agreements. America was built by the Baby Boomers who are now retiring in masse - and the owners of business who benefitted from their production have sought even more profits abroad where citizens live in abject poverty.

    America is destined to become a servant population working in fast food restaurants and big box retail outlets where we buy our food and clothing along with worthless mind control plastic devices of entertainment. We are doomed.

    So if you are unemployed and accustomed to earning $20,000 or more per year guess what? You need to resign yourself to working for minimum wages or slightly higher and move on. Life is not going to be as good as it once was. So deal with it. The sooner the better. If you are still receiving the unemployment check, then wait it out. But once it ends, then go ahead and get employed for the lower wages. You have no choice.

    We all helped create this situation by becoming customers of Walmart and Sam's Club. They have formed a monopoly of retail in conjunction with China and its slave labor to supply all of our basic needs. We supported the very people who have made this happen. If we did not support Chinese made items, we would not have become a servant class nation. But we are and we must now deal with it.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    Does anyone see it differently?

  8. yup there are plenty of jobs out there, I just dont want to work. I had to stop answering my phone because all the job offers ringing my phone all day was just plain annoying.


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