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Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Reminds Everyone To Drive With Caution AsTthe Holiday Season Begins

The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone to Drive with Caution as the Holiday Season Begins. The heavily-traveled Thanksgiving weekend* is one of the most dangerous and deadliest times of the year on America’s roadways due to low seat belt use. Deputies will be making an extra effort to look for travelers that are not buckled.

The Holiday Season also can bring on Aggressive Driving as people shop and prepare for activities. The Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with Salisbury Police Department will be watching for Speeding, Tailgating, Running Red Lights, and Making frequent lane changes in heavily traveled shopping areas.

The Holidays are also the time for parties and drinking. The Sheriff’s Office will be patrolling all over Wicomico County looking for Impaired Drivers. There will be Sobriety Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols throughout the Holiday Season.

So please, Buckle Up, Slow Down and Be Alert so that you arrive to your destination safely, and Never Ever Drink and Drive.

Don’t Become a Holiday Memory, Drive Safely.


  1. Just think of all the money! There will be MILLIONS of dollars taken from the citizens in the latest "we're here to protect you" campaign. Highway deaths are at the lowest point in YEARS, yet we are constantly surveilled in ever increasing amounts with ever increasing technology in order to (its not REALLY about the money....lol) convince the citizenry that we NEED to be MORE "protected and served"....uh huh....I guess we'll have cops with binoculars to scan traffic now for those flagrant scofflaws who are a huge menace to society and civil order because (OH MY GOD!) they are not wearing a seat belt!! That'll be $25, sir, and thank you for allowing us (that's what it is, all right) to "serve you" today.

  2. 1:46 you are an idot when it comes to police protection and providing safety for our county and citizens. Get a life!

  3. 3:26....just the facts...just the facts...just hand over the money and don't complain....its for your "safety" and has NOTHING to do with the money....it CAN'T be "protection money" can it? The fact is, HUNDREDS of police will be on duty to "watch us" and LOOK for crimes as heinous as "selt belt violations"...and HOW much do YOU think THAT costs in salary, overtime, fuel, etc. Then, where do you think that money comes from in a state that is biilions in the red and can't print more money? Thats right ---- tickets and fines. FACTS. Don't get mad when citizens point them out. What, specifically, did I say that was in error or unfactual? Constant police surveillance? More and greater use of technology? Highway death rate? The State doesn't make MILLIONS per year JUST ON SEAT BELT TICKETS?? What???


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