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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Errors Kill 15,000 Elderly Each Month

Mistakes and unavoidable problems kill an estimated 15,000 elderly U.S. patients every month in hospitals, U.S. government investigators reported on Tuesday.

More than 13 percent of patients covered by Medicare, the government health insurance for the elderly, or about 134,000 people monthly have some sort of so-called adverse event each month. These include mistakes such as surgical errors or sometimes unavoidable problems such as an infection spread in the hospital, or patients having their blood sugar fall to unusually low levels.

The new numbers, which total about 180,000 deaths a year, were presented in a report by the Office of Inspector General at the Health and Human Services Department. They support findings of a landmark Institute of Medicine report in 2000 that said up to 98,000 Americans died every year because of medical errors.

"An estimated 13.5 percent of hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries experienced adverse events during their hospital stays," the OIG said in the report.

It said 44 percent of the problems were avoidable.

The OIG team worked by examining a nationally representative random sample of 780 Medicare beneficiaries discharged from a hospital in October 2008.

"Hospital care associated with adverse and temporary harm events cost Medicare an estimated $324 million in October 2008," the report concludes.     

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  1. Medical errors will rise to higher level soon its all part of Obama care, enjoy you wacko,entitlement leaching libs.

  2. its just one way to get rid of the elderly


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