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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Conservative Republican Latina Wins N. M. Governor’s Office With Strict Stand On Illegal Immigration

Republican Susana Martinez, who won New Mexico’s gubernatorial race by running as a conservative, vowed to boost security along the Southwest border during her campaign.

In a state that is more than 40 percent Hispanic, Martinez took 54 percent of the vote on Tuesday, beating her Democratic opponent, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, by eight points.  She was endorsed by Sarah Palin.

Martinez will replace Democrat Governor Bill Richardson, who is nearing the end of his two-term limit. She will be the first female Hispanic governor in U.S. history.

Martinez, a prosecutor in a county that borders Mexico, made her stance against illegal immigration one of the most visible parts of her platform. New Mexico shares 180 miles of border with America’s southern neighbor.

“While it is critical to preserve the rule of law and take reasonable steps to secure our border, we must also never forget that we are a nation of immigrants,” Martinez’ campaign Web site said.

“We must enhance our security systems along the border and prosecute those who violate our laws, but we must do so while recognizing that legal immigrants who follow the rules and come to America seeking to improve their lives, and the lives of their family, strengthen our nation.”
More here


  1. God Bless her and she is legal.What you Obama.

  2. The DOJ is going to crucify her. If she teams up and gets illegal immigration tips from Jan Brewer, not only will she be popular, but Obama will go after her with both barrels. NOW will support the Democrat that calls her some ethnic slur, she will be called a "trator to her people," and all sorts of other stuff.

    What is sad is that she obviously loves her country, and wants to balance legal immigration with the rule of law. Obama and Co. can't accept that, and therefore are going to make her look like she is evil and anti-American.

  3. Not bad looking for her age either!


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