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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Robbery @ Delmarva Pharmacy


Apparently a robbery just occurred at Delmarva Pharmacy off Belmont Ave in Salisbury (Rt. 50 near Civic Ave). Police coming from everywhere. Last heard, the perps were headed E Rt 50.


  1. Oh yea, the crime is getting worse by the day. I was no Webster fan, but it was not this bad when he was at the helm. What is Barkley doing? Answer nothing except for keeping the officer happy by not making them do their jobs.

  2. Holy crap!! That's my pharmacy. I was just there today. Is everyone ok?

  3. Yep... was in the parking lot when the guy ran out with a gun and a plastic bag. Nobody was hurt, thank God.

  4. Is it time to deputize a citizens militia yet ?

  5. that is why my wife and i are getting out of here after 40+years

  6. That place has been hit twice now in less than a year. I guess it's an easy target due to the location right there on Rt. 50.

  7. Barkley inherited a diminished force from Webster and from dummies like Louise Smith and Jim Ireton who think it's smart to furlough police officers at a time like this.

  8. Why is it that WBOC does not report things until days after the fact?

  9. gee they were headed east on Rt 50...think they stopped by Barrie Tilghman's park on Isabelle St to enjoy the fresh air?

    refurbishing that park was her only major claim toward some measure of accomplishment..even though this climate of crime is her legacy.

    former Police Chief Dykes would have never stood for this nonsense on his watch

  10. Hey 8:24pm Mike Lewis happens to be a friend of mine and I am confident that your statement is way out of line. I am also confident you would not have the courage to make that statement to him thus the reason you hid behind anonymous. It's people like you that are the direct root cause of our society being so screw up. Why you ask? I believe it's because you want everyone to be as miserable as you are. So may I suggest to you that you go get a new pacifier and leave the real news source alone because it clear you cannot handle truth.

  11. Well, I have to agree with 4:45 a.m. also. Colbourne Dykes would not have put up with all of this.


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