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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Political Callers

Mr. Albero, I am wondering why political callers are exempt from the National Do Not Call Registry.  My phone has not stopped ringing the past few weeks, and quite frankly, I am really tired of it.  If they have my information, they already know that I vote my party in every election.  I am honestly really annoyed to be continually harassed by these callers.  Is there nothing we can do to stop these calls?
Thanks very much.
A loyal fan


  1. id been getting calls on my cell phone from a number i didnt know. last night i finally answered it and what do you know, it was a political call wasting minutes that i pay for. that wont get my vote for sure. and all of our phones are on the do not call list.

  2. Just tell them you are voting everybody that is in out (EVERYBODY) and right now you could care less who you vote in as long as its somebody new

  3. voting the party line regardless of the candidate in question is exactly what is wrong with our country! until people stop that foolishness, we will never get out of the mess we are in.

  4. LOL!!!!!!!! PUBLIC MASTERS are above the law.....what part of THAT have you failed to notice? They exempt themselves from EVERY law they impose on us...you thing the "do not call" list is any different??

  5. Political callers are exempt from the DO-NOT-CALL laws. After all, it was politicians who crafted the law!

  6. I got a call on my cell phone from Political Research at 202-643-1954, but when you call the number back to complain, it is out of service. They called three times. I hung up the first two, but finally took the survey. it is not a real person, but a voice recognition poll. It seems like it is paid for by the Harris campaign because it is a "push poll". I don't know how they got my cell number.

  7. 11:09 - I vote my party affiliation because I believe in my vote and choose to vote for the candidates I believe are the best. I didn't ask anyone's opinion on my voting choices, I asked about stopping the political calls. Clearly, your comprehension skills are lacking - hope you don't base your votes on what you READ.

  8. Fruitland Generic CitizenOctober 23, 2010 at 12:56 PM

    Political campaigns only have the contact and demographical ( age and gender) info you supplied to the Board of Ellections, your party affiliation and how often you've voted. They do not know whom you've voted for, and don't have your cell phone number unless you provided that as you phone number to the Board of Elections.

  9. I agree that voting srictly along party lines is about as ignorant as lawmakers voting strictly along party lines, despite what may be best for the taxpayere. Just because you are a dem, doen's mean that you have to vote dem, the same with repubs. If ther is a candidate that I feel is better that is on "the other side" I will vote accordingly. I find it hard to believe that over the years someone has simply found that there never was a better candidate on " the other side", so they voted their party always. If everyone doesn't wake up, and start using your own minds, we will end up with more of the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi show. BTW, I also received a poll on my cell phone. Nothing made me conclude that is was from the Harris camp as one commenter (probably Krapovil) supporter eluded to.

  10. Honestly if you don't want them to call back just be enthusiastic about who you're voting for. Don't be wishy washy because they'll call you back to try to win your vote.

  11. Drosophila melanogasterOctober 24, 2010 at 5:44 AM

    I too have received several calls to both my home and cell phone that I am annoyed with. As for the cell phone, I simply do not answer numbers that call with which I am unfamiliar. The house phone is another story. I believe in turning the negative into a positive as often as possible, and rather than get angry - I elected (no pun here) to get even. Having received a call last night, I proceeded to answer and then begin to chat with the representative. At first I kept it light, but to the political point, and the caller was only to happy to respond with the rhetoric being espoused, but then I began to talk about every other innane topic I could think of to intentionally waste their time, ending with a lengthy discussion of the Drosophila melanogaster (scientific name of the fruit fly). I was able to keep the conversation going for almost an hour....I wonder if they will call again?


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