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Monday, October 11, 2010

ACORN Set To Steal Elections Again Using Aliases

Anthony G. Martin

Conservative Examiner

ACORN set to steal elections again using aliases

·         October 10th, 2010 2:52 pm ET
ACORN--the 'Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now'--has reared its ugly head again.
This time, the organization, which has been officially dissolved, has re-emerged under different names across the country.

These organizations are set to attempt to do the same thing ACORN did in 2008 for Obama.  
ACORN was implicated in voter intimidation, registering illegal aliens to vote, allowing the same person to register multiple times under various fictitious names, including the deceased, all with the goal of getting Obama elected. 

This time the group wishes to insure that the same crowd in Congress that gave us ObamaCare, cap and trade, the TARP II bailouts of Wall Street and banking fat cats, and the failed 'stimulus package,' will be sent back to Washington to continue the rape of the American public.

Via the United States Justice Foundation, the following information is but a sample of the massive voter fraud perpetrated by ACORN in 2008:

"In Wisconsin, at least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee were called into question after it was found that the organization had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. (2008) 

"In Florida, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter registration applications in Miami-Dade County during the last election. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney's office scoured hundreds of suspicious applications provided by ACORN and found 197 of 260 contained personal ID information that did not match any living person. (2009) 

"In Indiana, election officials threw out more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations after finding they had identical handwriting and included the names of many DECEASED people, and even the name of a fast food restaurant. (2008) 

"In Ohio, ACORN activists gave Ohio residents cash and cigarettes in exchange for filling out voter registration cards, according to the New York Post. Some voters claim to have registered dozens of times, and one man says he signed up on 72 voter registration cards. (2008) 

"In Texas, (Harris County—Houston), nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information. (2008) 

"In Pennsylvania, state election officials threw out 57,435 voter registrations, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN. The registrations were thrown out after officials found "clearly fraudulent" signatures, vacant lots listed as addresses, and other signs of fraud. (2008)."

With the November midterm elections only 3 weeks away, citizens may believe that it is too late to prevent these fraudulent activities from happening again.  However, there are some things average citisens can do to minimize the impact of fraud:

*Donate to organizations that are designed specifically to prevent such activities, such as the United States Justice Foundation and others.

*Volunteer to be a poll-watcher, to monitor for fraud.

*Volunteer to provide transportation to legitimately registered voters who may be elderly or disabled and cannot get to the polls on their own.

No matter what form ACORN takes, citizens must oppose its stealth efforts to alter election outcomes, and that goes for any group, no matter what their political affiliation, that fraudulently seeks to circumvent the will of the voters by engaging in illegal electioneering.


  1. Getting ready to blame Acorn for any elections republicans lose, always ready to play the victim.

  2. 8:19 They have been caught red handed and know one was prosecuted if you had any brains at all this should be alarming to you. You must be a communist being that you don't believe in honest Democratic elections.


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