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Friday, October 22, 2010

81 days since Salisbury Safe Streets Legislation Introduced Still No Council Work Session

Mayor James Ireton, Jr. reminds the public, today, that 81 days have passed since he introduced the Salisbury Safe Streets Legislative Package.

The package was introduced to the public and given to City Council on Monday, August 2nd, 2010. This means City Council has had 81 days to place this on a Work session agenda and Council President, Louise Smith, has yet to do so. Mayor Ireton urges the public, in the wake of the current wave of violence, to contact Mrs. Smith and demand that the legislative package get a hearing. The mayor has asked that the package have an up or down vote by Thanksgiving of this year. After two public forums, members of the public, whether they support the legislation in its entirety or in parts have demanded that Council President Smith place this on a work session agenda.

“With a new Chief of Salisbury Police, and numerous neighborhood meetings under my belt, I am even more confident that the Safe Streets Legislative Package is right for Salisbury’s future. No matter what group of special interest folks Mrs. Smith convenes, our residents have spoken. Those residents want something done. 81 days is a travesty. I implore residents to contact Mrs. Smith and demand action.” Mayor Ireton said.

http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/CityGovernment/CityCouncilofSalisburyMD/tabid/80/Default.aspx - For links to Salisbury City Council Members
http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/Default.aspx?tabid=643 – Neighborhood Legislative Package Link


  1. ...and tomorrow will be 82 - just let it drop until new police chief can have some imput. We know this is all about your trashing of Louise Smith and has nothing what so ever to do with the number of days. Just cool it

  2. Maybe if the legislation were viable, fair and actually directed toward crime, it would have a chance.

  3. Smith needs no trashing from outside sources. She's done herself in.

  4. Anonymous said...

    ...and tomorrow will be 82 - just let it drop until new police chief can have some imput. We know this is all about your trashing of Louise Smith and has nothing what so ever to do with the number of days. Just cool it

    10:12 AM

    Look Moron it has nothing to do with the new police chief and her "imput." It is about legislation dimwit!

  5. Ireton screwed the pooch on this one. Get over it and work with the laws you've got. Better yet, make your departments enforce the laws already on the books.

  6. Nope. Sorry. Disagree with those first two comments.

    I've been following this saga and your council president has appointed herself judge, jury and executioner in violation of the rules. Go read them. They are online.

    There are a couple of good ideas in the legislation but the method is wrong. Then you have a couple of things in there that are good, seriously, but need some work.

    If you people ever put your slingshots down, you'd have something.

    But then, you're a city with crime where your council president thinks it's okay to break the rules to get what she wants.

    Not cool, not cool at all.

  7. Just saw the mayor on tv . He is rude and abrasive like a child not getting their way. What an embarrasment to our town.


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