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Thursday, September 09, 2010

YOU People Can Change Salisbury – But Will You?

Today in the Daily Times is one of the most OUTRAGEOUS articles I’ve seen in a long time. “Council stuck in four corners” – ya think?

You would think an article like that would say what I’ve been saying for months, that as much as we ALL want to see Gary Comegys beat his cancer, he needs to do what’s best for the city and resign. The remaining four council members will just have to find SOMEONE in this city that at least three of them can agree on as his replacement.

But no, all this article does is provide a one-sided account of Louise Smith whining that it was perfectly okay for her to shut down the business of the city because of her demand that no one question her, plus a plug by the wife of a Daily Times editor and by the mayor how their employer (the Board of Education) is blocked from getting what it want (buses on Onley Road) because there’s no “third vote.”

From what I hear, the Daily Times reporter didn’t even stay past the first item on the agenda and wasn’t there for the towing discussion or Louise Smith’s meltdown as council president. Did Laura D’Alessandro even listen to the audio of that meeting? Did she even call another council member for a balanced report?

Of course not, because this is the Barrie Tilghman playbook all over again. Louise (Barrie) the victim (not!) runs to the newspaper (Tilghman Times) and whines how it’s everybody else’s fault (Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, the Dirty Dozen, Joe Albero, the Camden people, the Tooth Fairy) and how everybody should give her whatever she and her FOBs/FOLs want (a $14 million Fire Palace, an $82 million Wastewater Treatment Plant that doesn’t work right, increased funding for PAC14 while police officers are furloughed – you know the list that gets rammed down your throats).

Look, folks, I KNOW it’s not easy! Every single day, I’m out there in the community getting YOU what you need to know. Each and every day, I’m posting this information with MY name and face attached to it. Every day, you get an opportunity to comment on this blog or even to contact me directly and speak your mind, often without having to put your name to it.

But don’t you think it’s time you STAND UP and take YOUR city back? Where are your letters to the editor to the Daily Times calling for Louise Smith to quit her whining and DO HER JOB?!!? Or for Gary Comegys to do the right thing and resign? Where are the faces and names at the Monday night podium saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?

For that matter, at this point, Louise should resign. The council needs a leader, NOT a dictator, and Louise has shown time and time again, she is NOT a leader. If she resigned, even if Gary didn’t, the council would function much better with just three members in attendance. Oh, that’s right, those three would have to pick her replacement – and maybe it would be somebody who would DO THE JOB!

I know, I know. You’re thinking it won’t matter if you stand up and say ENOUGH! It sure seems like it most of the time.

Honestly, though, folks, as much as I love seeing the thousands of comments that come into this blog and I know your “leaders” read them, you HAVE to GET OUT THERE with a NAME and a FACE and say ENOUGH!

Salisbury News has given you proof that there’s power in numbers. And you know, talking about numbers, Debbie Campbell got HUNDREDS more votes in her election than Louise Smith did in hers. Where are you people? Debbie Campbell is working her heart out for you, day in, day out. Are you just going to leave her to twist in the wind and whim and whining of Louise Smith?

I don’t get it. You folks vote in real workers like Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, then you don’t show up to back them (except for you few brave ones who deserve a real pat on the back). I’ve said it before, if I were them, I’d say to heck with this!

So what’s it going to be? Staying home and complaining anonymously OR taking a stand and saying, no, REQUIRING, that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!?

I hope the answer to that is a good one.


  1. Come on Joe. You know all the newspapers in America are controlled by secret society members and they also dictate most local election candidates. Talk about the real problem with our local government. Talk about the secret agendas and organizations.

  2. The gridlock is great -- that way the peons don't get screwed more by them and Ireton.

  3. It's a pleasure to hear Terry and Debbie at the meetings. It is obvious that they are way above smith and shanie. They have knowledge of the laws and most political issues.. They serve
    the people and not themselves.
    Smith and Shanie are very ignorant of most issues that's why they respond the way they do. They get mad because they are ignorant mostly, but shanie is just plain stupid. Of course I have to mention Wilber , what a waste , Terry and Debbie know more about the laws than he will ever know.
    I have to laugh when he is asked a question , he has never answered a question , because he doesn't know.

  4. Comegys' odds at beating this cancer are 1 in 5. He should take this opportunity to make peace with his conscience, if he still has one, and resign immediately.

  5. "The people should not question their government"........City Councilwoman Shanie Shields

  6. I hope this is not the legacy that Mr. Comegys wants to leave.

  7. Debbie and Terri have been the only things between us and the complete destruction of Salisbury started by Barrie Tilghman and her friends.

    Louise Smith is trying to destroy them, to buy time until the election in the hopes of finishing Barrie's job.

    It's going to be a long long 6 months.

  8. If Comegys does return to the council before he's cured of this disease, will he have to have a competency hearing before his votes are accepted? I read that it often metasticizes to the brain.

  9. Looks like they're staying home and complaining.

    No surprise there.

    I read your blog from afar and thank the Lord I don't live there because Salisbury people don't fight for anything they say they care about.

    I don't always agree with what you blog, but I give you credit for doing something, which is keeping people informed about their local government.

    Unfortunately, the folks there just seem to sit on their computer porches and say "Tsk, ain't it a shame, Martha?"

  10. Gridlock -- it makes me feel much safer when their tires are spinning with no movement.

  11. Joe:

    This is a secret (hush-hush):

    Help is on the way!

  12. 3:18 --

    Beg to differ -- it's an "All-America City" don't you know.

  13. Salisbury is imploding. Where is all the help that was on the way?

  14. Actually, Ireton mentioned more being held up than the Onley Rd. business. He also spoke about the stormwater utility being held up and how it's the first step in the effort to clean up the river.

    Not too sure about that, but anyway, it wasn't just about the bd. of ed.

    I do think Louise needs to go. She has been bad news since day one.

    But how can we MAKE her go, Joe? She's in it for her own power trip and won't listen to us. Do you have an idea on how to actually get rid of her?

  15. I for one am so tired, so frustrated, there must be some kind of law that forces public officials to do their jobs. (Louise is a Liar, proven, she whines when she does not get "her" way (of course it is not "her" way it is what she has been told to do)
    Shaney is a shame, a real shame to Salisbury; it is pitiful that she is allowed sit on the council.How can anyone respect her? I could vomit when she speaks; the people of the city must be so embarrassed by her. Jim Ireton has not kept his promises to "change" anything, he has been luke warm as a leader, he was elected to "change" and has seemingly not had the intestinal fortitude to do those things he promised to do. Gary Comegys served and now he is showing no respect for the citizens by holding up the council by his absence. He should resign it is his duty to resign.Government should replace him some how if he will not resign.
    I wonder seriously wonder how a government for a city can be so bad. It is horrible, the convoluted obstructionist behavior of Louise, Shaney and Gary is beyond anything I have seen in 50 years of observing. Why don't the supporters do something? What about a recall?
    What about some law requiring Louise to do her job, she shuts down meetings like a child with a temper tantrum. It is so bad.


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