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Monday, September 06, 2010

MD Primary – Senate, District 38

Republican Primary -

Four years ago, Michael James almost unseated House Appropriations chair Norm Conway (D-38B).  This year his is running to replace retiring Maryland senator J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-38).  James has no primary opponent.

Democratic Primary -

Incumbent delegate Jim Mathias (D-38B) is seeking to bring the Distict 38 senate back to the Democrats.  Mathias faces a weak primary opponent and his left of center record in the House should allow him to coast through the Democratic primary.

1 comment:

  1. Jim Mathias connects with people in a very unique way. He seems much more genuine than James who only seems interested in the high-rollers.

    Mathias works very hard and reaches out to people in difficult times offering his help. He is not a rubber stamp for the O'Malley administration.

    I believe he really tries to do what is best for the lower shore regardless of the consequences to him politically.

    When he takes a stand on an issue, he isn't afraid to engage in dialogue with the opposition frequently seeking them out to discuss the reasons behind his position.

    He has a big personality and a big heart - and I think he will do great things as a Senator.


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