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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Q&A On Student Transportation In Wicomico County

Q&A on Student Transportation in Wicomico County
How do school bus contractors support education in Wicomico County Public Schools?

The Wicomico County school transportation system is comprised of 162 certified school buses that meet or exceed federal, state and local requirements. For 180 days every school year, the 80 school bus contractors with Wicomico County school routes serve more than 12,500 of the system's 14,500 students. The buses operated by these contractors cover more than 2.3 million miles each school year transporting students for instruction and other school-related activities. School buses are a critically important first link in the daily education experience for most Wicomico students, and they represent the safest and most efficient way to transport thousands of young people to and from school every day.

How does school bus transportation work in Wicomico County?

The Wicomico County Board of Education contracts with qualified independent bus contractors to provide transportation on specific routes. Route contracts are granted for a term of one year and are automatically renewable annually. A contractor may be the owner of one bus, or up to ten (10) route buses. The contractor is the owner of the school vehicle, and neither the contractors, drivers or bus aides employed by the contractor are school system employees. The contractor purchases and provides the bus to deliver students to and from school according to the contracted route. In Wicomico County a new bus may be operated as a regular route bus for up to 15 years. For these services, the school system pays the contractor:

Annual Per Vehicle Allotment (PVA): In 2009-10, $15,300 for a regular route bus, $17,800 for a special education bus with lift and air conditioning. For 2010-11, the PVA rose to $16,230 for a regular route bus (for years 1-12; the rate is $7,846 for years 13-15), with a $1,365 yearly add-on for buses with full AC (years 1-12) and an AC maintenance fee for buses with AC of $400. The rate for special education buses is now $18,100 (years 1-12; the PVA for years 13-15 is $8,760). For 2010-11, the rates represent a 6.08 % increase in the PVA for regular route buses, a 1.69 % increase in the PVA for special education buses, and two brand new payments to help offset the cost of AC for drivers who purchase buses with AC. Over 15 years, the school system will provide a contractor purchasing a new bus with AC with $236,664 through the PVA, more than covering the cost of a new bus.

Administrative supplement fee: $1,560 per routed school vehicle

Paid spare bus reimbursement rate: $5,280

Field trips: Hourly rate of $18.03, a per-mile maintenance factor of $.81, fuel factor of $.42, and pickup fee of $20. The minimum field trip payment is $55.

Fuel adjustment base rate: $3.31.

The typical payment for services works out to about $3.09 per mile.

The 2010-11 contractor reimbursement schedule for bus contractors in Wicomico County (included in the Fiscal Year 2010-11 Approved Unrestricted General Fund Operating Budget) is the second-highest among school systems on the Eastern Shore when applied to a sample route of 4.5 hours and 60 miles. When compared to other Eastern Shore county school systems using contracted school bus services, the 2010 – 2011 PVA ranks fourth, the hourly rate ranks fifth and the mileage rate ranks second.

The school system spends approximately $8 million on student transportation each year, including the cost of auto liability insurance to cover the transportation of students and school system employees on buses.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. These responses seem very sensible and I do not see why the bus contractors are refusing to transport our students/athletes. Their big issue, according to the Daily Times, is with their supervisor, Dave Reeve. I am sorry but many of us work for people that we don't like. Do they actually think that if they want him out, it will happen? Get real.

    Stop the whining and start taking our kids to the events. At least in this economy, you have a job and it looks like it pays you well.

    The BOE needs to hold firm!

  2. To 11:46

    I absolutely agree. I don't see why ordinary taxpaying folks with no kids are being assessed and penalized - through payment of the real property taxes - for transportation of school kids period.

    If the parents want to have the kids then they should be responsible for paying theses associated expenses.

    It is high time for change. Let the parents furnish the transportation and get rid of all the school buses and school bus contractors. Alternatively, let the parents collectively bargan with this entity.

  3. Keep in mind that these contractors make this working only 4.5 hours a day (on average) for only 180 days per year. That's a prety darn good pay out for a part time job.

  4. So who voted Ernie Davis Lord and Savior? There is more to this story and it is not all the bus contractors who agree with this. Unfortunately, some of them have been threatened with acts of vandalism to their property if they take the trips. All because Davis feels he doesn't get respect from Reeve. Give me a break.

  5. There are some aids ont the handicap buses that are board employees. Gas I 3.31 also a part of the maitnence factor. To whom don't under stand the contractors are not arguing over money they are tired of being talked to like a dog, One Man DAVE REEVE being an a-hole telling contractors to shut up and sit down, that he is the board of education and so on. The contractors are asking for a 5 year contract that involves both the board and the school bus contractors, A grivence committe to hear our side of the problem to they hear from one person and thats it. they also want to meet with the board on different ocassions to discuss issues and problems. The lawyer submitted a letter to Fredreicson and the board members and the county council stating BUS Contractors Will not meet with the board and they have'nt let them untill they met with the County Council. People making comments and spreading the word talk to a bus contractor and listen see just what you think. Walk in their shoes behind A-hole Dave Reeve, remember this situation has nothing to do with money. Know what you are talking about first.

  6. Now we know why the Board of Ed budget is so large -- the bus contractors are way overpaid. Where's Joe Holloway when we really need him?

  7. 5:15

    Why do contractors need a 5 year contract. The teachers and administrator associations only get a 1 hear deal now. If you don't like it, I guess you can drive the chicken workers to their job.

  8. How come we can negotiate with teachers at a round table and when it comes time to negotiate with the contractors the Board does not even want to listen. The teachers are employees (with or without a union contract) the contractors are just they contracted.

  9. Its too bad that the vast majority of bus contractors and their dedicated drivers who have a positive working relationship with the BOE have allowed themselves to be represented by Ernie Davis, his small band of thugs and a money-hungry lawyer. Get rid of him...you deserve better

  10. Bus contractors are independent businessmen who have been hired by the BOE to provide a service. The BOE does not have to negotiate with them. It seems that they have been treated more than fairly. However, now that we have a weak New Age sort of superintendant it will be easy for them to bully their way to what ever they want,including the firing of Dave Reeve who is simply doing the job he was hired to do.

  11. WCBOE needs to sit tight. Ernie Davis's powerbase is falling apart now that he has spoken to the press. You know what they say,"better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

  12. I think the Contractors are stupid for following an uneducated, incompetent pig such as Ernie Davis. Trust me, he is in it for HIMSELF and the poor Contractors are jumping on the band wagon...HAHAHA this is so funny not only because he is my uncle but because the contractors are so lame. I agree, Let's transport our children ourselves!!!!


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