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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poll: Many Incorrectly Call Obama A Muslim

Analysts attribute misperceptions of president's religious beliefs to his limited attendance at religious services

— Americans increasingly are convinced — incorrectly — that President Barack Obama is a Muslim, and a growing number are thoroughly confused about his religion.

Nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim, up from the 11 percent who said so in March 2009, according to a poll released Thursday. The proportion who correctly say he is a Christian is down to just 34 percent.

The largest share of people, 43 percent, said they don't know his religion, an increase from the 34 percent who said that in early 2009.

The survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center and its affiliated Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, is based on interviews conducted before the controversy over whether Muslims should be permitted to construct a mosque near the World Trade Center site. Obama has said he believes Muslims have the right to build an Islamic center there, though he's also said he won't take a position on whether they should actually build it.

In a separate poll by Time magazine/ABT SRBI conducted Monday and Tuesday — after Obama's comments about the mosque — 24 percent said they think he is Muslim, 47 percent said they think he is Christian and 24 percent didn't know or didn't respond.

In addition, 61 percent opposed building the Muslim center near the Trade Center site and 26 percent said they favor it.

The Pew poll found that about three in 10 of Obama's fiercest political rivals, Republicans and conservatives, say he is a Muslim. That is up significantly from last year and far higher than the share of Democrats and liberals who say so. But even among his supporters, the number saying he is a Christian has fallen since 2009, with just 43 percent of blacks and 46 percent of Democrats saying he is Christian.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and is covered in duck feathers, it's probably a duck. Even if everyone else tries to tell you it's a goose.

  2. i think 'incorrectly' should be put in quotation marks or at least put in 'supposedly incorrect'...

  3. i was going to say something similiar 1055am. if more and more people are noticing his religious tendancies, and theyre all pointing muslim, there must be something up.

  4. Fruitland Generic CitizenAugust 19, 2010 at 11:09 AM

    Look, you don't get to rail against his crazy Christian pastor in Chicago in 2008 and then call him a Muslim in 2010. Pick one already.

  5. Hmm, lets try "Anti Christ" since he thinks he is God...

  6. And a great number of Americans also believe that the Earth was created 6,000 years ago. So what?

  7. 10:55 you hit the nail on the head!

  8. It doesn't matter what religion he is, he's up there with Dubya and Jimmy Carter as one of the worst Presidents.

  9. Just goes to show you people are so easily led. Ignorance is a scary thing!

  10. Everything is a scary thing when your dealing with humans.

  11. 11:45 you must me the ignorance of the 47% that actually think this man is a Christian.. He might not be a muslim but he certainly is no Christian!

  12. I remember when he made a speech to the muslims and he said " I am one of you". What the hell is that suppose to mean?
    It doesn't make any difference to me anymore , he is a terrible so called president with a terrible attitude.
    He has lied about 90% of the things he has said.

  13. 11:09
    Actually that "crazy pastor" as you call him tends to follow more of the beliefs of NOI (nation of islam). If you do your research you will see they are VERY similar.

  14. We are not at war against the Muslim religion. We can have a president who is Muslim, Jew, Buddist, atheist there is not a religious requirement for the job.

  15. As the son of a Muslim father, President Obama was born a Muslim under Muslim law as it is universally understood.

    Like it or not Libtards...he was born a Muslim so the question is....Has he truly renounced his religion within his own heart or, is he lying to the infidels as is encouraged in the Koran to spread the religion of Islam?

    Until one can see into his heart one cannot truly say he is not a Muslim.

  16. Freedom of Religion, another words, who cares?
    Only the rednecks apparently *looks up*

  17. His dad was and he attended schools that you only can if you are a Muslim. That is close enough for me.

  18. The issue is not if he is a Muslim it's did he lie about it .

  19. Ha ha ha. This is hilarious. Conservatives plan to run on "don't vote for the closet foreign muslim". Well it would be funny, if we weren't looking for both parties to sit down and hash out common sense solutions to our current problems.

  20. don't be decieved.... ditto to 10:55; 11:03; 12:16; 12;20 and yes 1:19 he has lied about just about everything else. make no mistake; he's a genuine "con artist". birds of a feather flock together. this old saying definately applies here. do the research yourself and find the answers. truth - what a concept.....

  21. What place of worship are he and his family attending in D. C.? What place of worship did he attend for 20 +- years before he went to the white house?

  22. 1:22 It's the people who were polled not conservatives ! The economy and forced health care are enough for the conservatives to run on .haha

  23. so thing is where the broke blaming others hang out....wow

  24. The poll was taken within the GOP, which shows how easily they are brain washed.

  25. 1:32
    Last I heard they dont attend any church while they are in DC. They ignored the national day of prayer at the white house but had a dinner for ramadan. The church they attended for 20 years is as close to Islam as you can get without calling yourself a muslim...and is as far away from christianity you can get. Go look up NOI and you will see just how close Rev Wright is to NOI

  26. Its truly scary that you can show indisputable facts to some of these crazy right-wingers and they will spout their crazed opinions anyway. Having your own opinion and being able to voice it is one of the things that makes this country great, but seriously come on people Obama is not a Kenyan muslim terrorist who is trying to take over the country as a dictator. The fear of muslims is irrational anyway. Its the guys on the streets that were raised christian who are robbing and murdering and slinging drugs that we read about in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY that scare me a hell of a lot more than the big bad muslim boogeyman.

    Rob S

  27. Fruitland Generic Citizen said...
    Look, you don't get to rail against his crazy Christian pastor in Chicago in 2008 and then call him a Muslim in 2010. Pick one already.

    11:09 AM

    Get lost Fruitloop!!

  28. Anonymous said...
    It doesn't matter what religion he is, he's up there with Dubya and Jimmy Carter as one of the worst Presidents.

    11:36 AM

    W was a great president. You just hate him because you are a Kool Aid drinker and believe what the MSM tells you.

  29. to 4:26 aka Rob S, it's a shame you can't reason with stupid. your comments don't make a bit of sense. if you are just reading the huffington post or listening to keith, rachel and "chill up the leg" chrisy; your info is faaarrrrr left and tainted. it's even better to be "far right" than "far wrong". i dare you to expand your resources to include conservative thought and maybe; just maybe you might come to a more reasonable conclusion.

  30. 4:59 you wanna talk about me not making any sense, you didn't even have a point with that nonsense... All I claimed was that some far-right spread untrue statements about Obama that people believe, even though they are proven untrue. That was the point of this article actually, even though its a FACT Obama is not a muslim, people spout that he is anyway.

    I don't like all of Obama's policies. I criticize him for things he does that I don't like, but I don't make up untrue things. But because I acknowledge the facts and don't just make up what I want to believe, I guess that makes me a "kool-aid drinker".

    Rob S

  31. Rob S: I don't know who you are, but it's refreshing to occasionally read some clear, objective thinking among these comments. Thanks.

  32. 2:32...for the record...you're here too.

    As far as Obama, he and his family have proven nothing in the line of religion. He seems to be ANTI religion (out of the closet anyway). BUT--what ahs been proven time and time again is that he is a liar who cannot meet the general requirements of producing a birth certificate stating he is a natural born citizen. Still, we allow him to play president and break the BASIC rules because we are SO in need of proving that we are not racist by electing a "black" man that we ourselves are idiots to the fact that we elected an idiot. Darn shame that American has chosen to stand for nothing and now is falling for everything.

  33. The party of freedom and small government sure has alot to say about what religion I should follow (to be acceptable) and what sexuality I should be. Hell, if I'm not a Reagan republican I might as well not even be American.

  34. Rob, care to explain why, even though it is a FACT that he is not a Muslim, that he still acts like one?
    I'm not sure where you got this FACT from, but I was taught to watch what people DO, before I believe what they SAY. He just had another dinner in celebration of a Muslim tradition. When did he last hold an event to celebrate one of any other religion? I'll now refer you to 10:55 at the very top.

  35. For a group that doesn't seem to like muslims, who believes that muslims are predominantly terrorists, you conservatives sure were gung ho about freeing muslims in Iraq because "they only want freedom, democracy, and peace".


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