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Friday, July 23, 2010

NAACP Candidate Forum …

Issues and Answers Down on Delaware Ave.

Running a bit late, I was gratified to pull into the First Baptist Church for the Wicomico NAACP Candidate Forum and find a nearly full parking lot.  I was even more pleased when I entered the meeting hall and found that most of the people present were ordinary citizens and not candidates and friends.  This is usually the first tip-off to a good debate or forum.


Tom Taylor took the blue ribbon among the County Executive candidates.

The county council candidates were interesting to be sure.  Democrat At-Large candidate Dave Cowall put in a fine performance but also left me with a distinct feeling that he’s the enviro-left candidate in the race.  Stevie Prettyman and Joe Holloway held their conservative ground.  Gail Bartkovich showed why she’s probably the most competent (but not the most consistent) member of council.  Dave McLeod is running right (and against his own record).  Sheree Sample-Hughes continues to prove that a combination of brains and liberalism make her the most dangerous person on council (at least as far as the taxpayers are concerned).

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  1. G.A.
    Thanks for the commentary and Joe, thanks for the posting.
    I couldn't attend last night, but I'm very interested in the county government races. Not knowing Dr. Cowell, I'd heard that he's a liberal environmentalist; the writer of this post had mostly the same to say. That's a little troubling, but as a physician, he should have the smarts for the job, if he gets elected. The candidate pool's not real deep for those at large seats. I'm hoping Bob Culver will win. He has a good head on his shoulders and he knows how to run a business.
    It sounds like Tom Taylor has a head on his shoulders, too. Might have to take a second look at him for the Executive spot.

  2. I was wondering. Can I as a white person be a candidate? If not, is there definitely something wrong with this picture? Is the NAACP a racist organization? If there were a NAAWP wouldn't eveyone be screaming "racism". Oh well, just a thought.

  3. As a "white" person you can be a candidate. As a "white" person you can also join the NAACP.

  4. hey dummies like 1:52 there are just as many whites in the NAACP as blacks in the tea party. go figure

  5. Get rid of the NAACP they are a for one color. This is America I don't believe that black people have been treated bad. They have gotten to the highest office in America and they are still complaining. This is not the 1960's or 300 years ago everyone has equal rights and everyone should have a equal voice in America no matter what color you are. If there was not any racism going on they would change the name National Association American People. Get rid of the Black Panthers why you are at it. There should not be any hate in America . Instead of tring to block people from voting and always calling racist Why don't people start helping one another instead of fighting. People get out and try to look for jobs instead of always looking for government hand outs. Everyone should be joining together and tell Washington to stop wasting our tax dollars with bail outs and helping other nations out.Instead of sending money to other countries Billions. When America is in trouble how many other countries do see running to out rescue Katrina Earth Quakes The gulf. If the county wants to fight instead of fighting each other with racism why don't you fight the Terrorist North Korea, Taliban,The Drug war in Mexico Illegal Immigration.Remember 9/11. That's what we should be fighting for. I work and pay taxes where was my say in Washington when this bunch was bailing out GM ,AIG,They tell us what to do with our tax dollars.Where is my voice in Washington I damn sure don't see it.

  6. hey 4:01,how about the Harlem Globetrotters? Can I, as a "white" person join them? What if we had an all white basketball team and didn't let any blacks join? Would that be racism? Enough said, anytime we allow any of these groups to segregate because of color it's racism. Somehow if your black and do this it's not racism. Just like crime. If blacks target whites, it's not a hate crime. Why not? If whites were to target and rob blacks, they would be charged with the robbery as well as a hate crime. Why aren't blacks also charged with hate crimes? Equal rights for all?


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