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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Meet Delegate Hopeful Mike McCready


  1. Mike is a really nice guy, but I doubt seriously he has a chance at getting elected as a Delegate. He only won his county commissioner election in Somerset County by "1" vote. Good luck to you Mike!

  2. If I didn't know better I would think McCready was a republican after listning to this. If he wants to talk and act like a conservative, please tell me why he doesn't change his affiliation to become a republican. The fact is that he is an Obama, O'Malley, Kratovil, Mikulski democrat and I will not be voting for him under any circumstances. You can't have it both ways Mike by supporting O'Malley and then saying that you are not in favor of higher taxes which is exactly what O'Malley gave us.

  3. They all say what they think you want to hear. You can tell when comes from the heart. Haven't heard what I would call an honest one yet. Don't promise us anything , don't tell us it's for the children , don't tell us anymore lies. Just tell us you will try to help get this country back on track!

  4. I suppose you're voting for Ehrlich, 1:43? He increased spending by 39%. O'Malley has cut spending by 9%. You Republican robots don't even know who has the better record on spending in Maryland, but you'll vote the party line no matter what. Mike McCready knows O'Malley's fiscally responsible record, and knows Ehrlich's reckless fiscal record.

  5. I don't have to see the video-Mike McCready is a tax and spend democrat. If he's talking like a republican, it's only because he knows that is his only chance to get elected. Don't be fooled.

  6. What drugs are you on 3:45. Let me get this stright, Ehrlich spent more than O'Malley but did not raise taxes. O'Malley reduced spending but had to raise taxes as soon as he took office. You dems always want to blame others for your failures. Obama is still blaming Bush for Obamas failures in everything he has been involved in. We are getting ready to get the biggest tax increase in history on Jan 1st thanks to Obama. Thanks to Bush we have had relatively low federal taxes for the last severl years. You live in a dream world if you think the dems are the party of less spending and less taxes.

  7. You can bet the farm on one thing, McCready will vote with his idol O'Malley and the democrats 100% of the time.

  8. You are so right 5:21. It's indisputable that the democratic party has become the big government, tax and spend party. Little old Somerset county has added millions to the budget under McCready's leadership. He was instrumental in the county buying a private marina for a million dollars and the Long farm for another million big ones. I understand in his interview with Joe that he is opposed to the state buying land and taking it off of the tax rolls, but that is exactly what he did in the county when he voted to buy the marina and farm. Double standard or what?

  9. I am a republican but I am certain say McCready has more knowledge concerning the issues which are most important to this area of the three candidates.

  10. Who spoon fed you that crap anon 3:45 PM? Typical Dumbocrat who can't think for himself.

    You better damn well believe this tax payer is going to vote for Bob Ehrlich and any decent Republican. I have had my share of Democrats with Owe'Malley, Osama Bin Biden, Jim Liarton and Louweasel Smith. This country is doomed otherwise.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I am a republican but I am certain say McCready has more knowledge concerning the issues which are most important to this area of the three candidates.

    6:18 PM

    If you were true to your word you would have signed your name. You are obviously a fraud.

  12. I beg to differ 6:18 but "this area" includes Wicomico county. Most of what McCready talked about, if you watched the video was fishing and farming. I don't think he answered the question that Joe asked about weather or not he would support the repeal of the 6% sales tax. He's been around long enough to have learned how to dodge the questions that he can't answer honestly. I'm sure he is like most dems and has never met a tax that he didn't like.

  13. I read that Somerset is being sued due to the wonderful job McCready did as commissioner. I also heard that the commissioners settled several suits behind closed doors and kept the public in the dark. Any truth to that??

  14. I am a die hard republican as well and I disagree with the whole "spend money to make money" theory. Our forefathers didn't establish such necessary principles for our nation by spending frivolously at every opportunity. I didn't vote for slowbama or omalley....but thanks to those dumocrats that did. Elections is 2012...thats the change we can believe in!

  15. 11:28 Where did you read that?

  16. Somerset Herald article 6:09.

  17. McCready acts as if he is the Sultan of Cheap. This guy is absolutely untrustworthy. He comes from a group of Commissioners that think they can do as they please. If history is any guide that appears to be the case in Somerset County. He needs to be investigated concerning the acceptance of higher bids for County projects. It started with the new Westover Soccer Field project. The Commissioners accepted Doug Reynolds higher bid on a theory of an error in the lowest bid. He and his bunky, Sam Boston referrred to the lowest bid as using "funny math". The lowest bidder vowed to honor his bid price, but that didnot seem to matter to the 5 Commissioners. They cost the County an extra $20,000 in an effort to award the contract to Doug Reynolds. Then there were the renovations to the old Westover School. Mike and the boys accepted the third highest bid at a price of an exta $130,000 to the taxpayers. Sam Boston was quoted as claiming the accepted $130,000 bid used all local subs. That is clearly false because 6 of the 13 were out of County Subcontractors. McCready has never been called to account on this. McCready and this group of Commissioners should be investigated, not elected or reelected. Thank God there is a November 2 election ahead of them. Vote McCready and the rest of the mess out.

  18. He shouldn't claim to be conservative when he is the campaign manager for O'Malley. He was also involved with the detention center and James Henderson fiasco.


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