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Monday, July 19, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Gang Related Shooting Early This Morning In Salisbury

One man was transported to the Hospital for a gun shot wound to the head. A Troy Wilson was shot once in the head. Just before the shooting there were some 30 Gang Members assembled in a yard on Baker and Naylor Street. Salisbury News has been told that the shooters dropped their guns at the scene.

We further learned that several vehicles wrecked trying to leave the scene. There are no updates at this time on the condition of this young man.

More to come.......


  1. wow, how in the world is it possible this could happen in our great, "all american" city? (note the dripping sarcasm).

    Face it, folks - our city is broke and beyond repair. We have openings for not only a police chief but a fire chief. We have a dysfunctional city council, a woosy mayor, and a dead (not dying - but already "dead") downtown.

    We need to put up a wall around about 3 square miles of the west side and church street area and call in the Air Force. Only chance we got. Or just move to Worcester County, Sussex County, or Talbot County. DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.

  2. too bad they can't build a wall around them, let them go at it and save us taxpayers some money...

  3. 7:57 Alot of the problems with this town and government occur because people arn't willing to step and be a part of the solution. Look at our schools for example...Have you been in a middle school recently? Do you know what kind of disrespect and attitudes our teachers are dealing with? I think if more people and particulaly parents would step up to the plate and be active and aware of what their children were doing we as a community would be able to curtail some of this violence and life of bad choices before it gets to the youth of our city!

  4. Liberal educators and parents are a big part of the problems teachers are dealing with today. Can't reprimand a child because their feelings might get hurt. Can't suspend or expel the miscreants because funding will be cut. All this kumbaya crap has created the situation we live with today. You wanted it, you got it, now live with it or stand up yourselves and make the changes necessary to get
    control of our schools and neighborhoods. Our society changed when some bleeding heart liberal decided it was cruel to spank a child, it is cruel to make prisoners live like prisoners should. Throw the liberals in the Church street area and let them clean it up, it was their predecessors that created the mess and we that have to pay for the mess they created, in more ways than one.

  5. Shootings, robberies, 30 gang members in a yard...maybe it is time for Salisbury to ask or beg for help to deal with crime. What, if anything, do other cities do differently? Maybe a night time curfew, jail time for criminals instead of dropped charges, and whatever else it takes including using the MD National Guard.

  6. Please, Mike Lewis, please!

  7. And Ireton's answer is substations -- he's nuts!

  8. to 9:00 - the unspoken truth of the matter is most of the discipline problems in our middle school involves african american kids and to bring attention to it or to try to deal with it invites charges of "racism" and "profiling". Until the african american community steps up and demands more from their own community, nothing will change - NOTHING. In fact, it not only enables the kids but emboldens them.

  9. It's not just in Salisbury it's all through out the county .

  10. you print "We need to put up a wall around about 3 square miles of the west side and church street area and call in the Air Force. Only chance we got. Or just move to Worcester County, Sussex County, or Talbot County. DEAD, DEAD, DEAD." & "the unspoken truth of the matter is most of the discipline problems in our middle school involves african american kids and to bring attention to it or to try to deal with it invites charges of "racism" and "profiling"." instead of my when are blacks going to be held responsible comments?

    i guess 938am had it right when he said its an UNSPOKEN truth.

  11. Salisbury is the heart of the problem!! I dont have 30 gangbangers standing around my neighborhood in the county!!

  12. where's a grenade when you need it?

  13. it is so easy to identify these thugs, they are all dressed alike. there is 0 effort by the cops around here. call in the national guard and delcare martial law.

  14. I work in the Church St area. My coworkers have been stopped by cops during the work day on a number of occasions for seatbelt checks, the stop sign over the railroad tracks, parking too far from the curb, and at least twice for simply being white (cops even said you don't belong in this neighborhood and if there's trouble later we've got your name and we'll come looking for you). If you look at crime stats, it clearly shows that most service calls in this neighborhood relate to parking and/or traffic issues, not other crimes. Seems to me like the focus is a little off in this area, don't ya think???


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