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Monday, July 26, 2010

Abbas Resists Direct Talks Despite Pressure From 'Entire World'

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday that despite intense international pressure from the "entire world," he is still not willing to start direct negotiations with Israel.

Abbas told the Voice of Palestine radio that talks would be doomed without a clear framework.

The Palestinians are wary of entering open-ended negotiations with Israel's hardline prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. They want Israel to first accept the principle of a Palestinian state within the territory captured by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War, with some border modifications.

Netanyahu has endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state but refuses to be pinned down on the details before direct talks begin. Since May, U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell has been shuttling between Abbas and Netanyahu to try to narrow the gaps, so far in vain.

Abbas aides said he has received phone calls in recent days from the leaders of Germany, Britain and Italy, among others, urging him to go to direct talks.


[Netanyau: "I'm willing to sit down with the PA as soon as possible..." So who's holding this up?--Editor]

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