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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Voters Demanding Change Once Again

Primary results provide a preview to fall campaign themes

- The subplots abounded Tuesday night: Antipathy toward elected officials and the establishment. The power of special interests. Tests of party purity. The tea party. The quixotic fight against hyper-partisanship.

Each of these narratives, any one of them a powerful story line on its own, came together on the busiest day of the primary season, a concentrated preview of November's midterm elections. And all were the result or a cause of the single most defining trait of the U.S. political landscape:

A dispirited public is demanding change. Again.

GO HERE to read more.

1 comment:

  1. Just give us some Democrats then everything will be OK.

    Just give us some Republican then everything will be OK.

    Just give us some . . .


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