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Monday, June 28, 2010

Red Cross Van Shot

Someone in our community shot at the van owned by the Lower Shore Chapter of the American Red Cross.

Whoever you are, you should be ashamed of yourself.

This means less money going to help a family in our community and being spent on an unnecessary repair.


  1. What the hell is wrong with people?

  2. Look at today's headlines:
    - Delaware man shot dead; police seek two suspects.
    - Shore Bank robbed.

    Then look at the post, above, about two girls getting caught trying to break into a car at Tokyo Steak House.

    Now, this Red Cross van having the window shot out.

    And Salisbury is an "All American City?" Give me a break!!

  3. I understand it happened at there headquaters on Emerson Ave. This is a darn shame. I hope the police catch them.

  4. Yep, keep voting for them liberal democrats. Crime pays in this country thanks to you all.

  5. In Somerset WE SHOOT BACK!!!

  6. It's comming soon to your neighborhod ladies and gents , no need to go to the grocery store when it happens. Better have lots of canned goods.

  7. Last guy sneakin round here got a clip full fired at him, I was aiming high, on purpose.

  8. My neighbor is a Red Cross volunteer and said they had just had helped a family of 4 who lost there home on saturday on priscilla st in salisbury. I would love to get my hands on the SOB who did this.

  9. That is sad and scary. Obviously it was a teenager and I'm sure they live in the area. This is a juvenile delinquent type of activity. I hope they get caught.

  10. be nice if a local glass co. would donate the repairs and glass replacement. the folks in that office are dedicating to helping all of us.they might coild use the monies for a hurting family, now they have to pay coz some wanna bee gangsta was in training..looks the gang couldnt shoot straight


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