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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Pemberton Elementary School

Good morning Joe,

Yesterday, the parents of Pemberton Elementary school received word that our beloved principal, Mr. Thorpe is being transferred to Chipman. In the weeks prior, our assistant principal had made it known that she is returning to Worecester county at the conclusion of this school year. So now, we find ourselves without continuity of leadership and wondering why Mr. Thorpe, after many years of truly exceptional service to our school, is being transferred from a pre K - 5th grade and Magnet program to a K - 2nd grade "feeder school"?

Mr. Thorpes' support of the Magnet program has been in direct opposition to Drs. Frederickson and Handy who would prefer to contribute to the ongoing "dumbing down" of America by eliminating the Magnet program. It would seem that as a result, he is being punished. Obviously the response from the Board will be otherwise, but anyone familiar with the situation will recognize the truth of the matter.

If you look at Mr. Thorpe's record, talk to his teachers, students or parents, their is a clear and consitent message. He is an extremely hard working, genuinely caring adminstrator that has always put the education and interests of his students above everything else. In this instance, can we say that about the leadership at the Board? Clearly not. The is selfish, bush league, political retribution.

This type of behavior should not be permitted to go unchecked. I strongly urge all the parents of Pemberton Elementary to support Mr. Thorpe and send a message to Drs. Frederickson and members of the Board:

Dr. Frederickson: - jfrederi@wcbor.org
President of the Board of Education : Mark Thompson - mthompso@wcboe.org
Vice President of the Board of Education: Michelle Wright - lmwright@wcboe.org

For parents at other schools, this can happen to you just as easily. Just ask the parents are Pinehurst.

John Wyndham


  1. they move the principles around every few years... do they not?

  2. This wrong on so many levels!! This guy invests so much (personally) in this school. As a fellow Pemberton Parent, this is a travesty. Everyone in this school has tremendous respect for Mr. Thorpe.

  3. they move around the principals every so often...it dont sound like a punishment..it sounds like it was time to move around certain princpals that were time to move...

  4. Let's see if the Board of Ed. members will do the right thing and stop what Dr. Freddy is doing.

  5. Shaggys son is the youngest person to ever graduate from Delmar high school(14).

  6. Who the heck is Shaggy?

  7. My wife works at Chipman, good for them.

  8. Maybe he's being transferred there to do some good like he did a Pemberton. So that they would stop being called a "feeder" school.

  9. the principals and assistant principals in several of the schools have been reassigned.

  10. Mr. Wyndham, be thankful that you got to keep Mr. Thorpe for the number of years that he has been at Pinehurst. At my child's school, we are lucky if we get a principal/vice principal for more than TWO years. And it rarely ever happens. And there have been several years that our school has had complete administration changes so that we start with a brand new principal as well as a brand new vice-principal.

  11. Oh, was that the kid who graduated? I heard he was 12.

  12. Dr F is mean spirited. No one dares to speak out against him or his ideas. A teacher at Bennett did so when he met with their faculty and that teacher was transfered (immediately) to another school. The message is clear, speak up or out against Dr F and suffer the consequences. (Hopefully) He will be gone in 4, can't wait.

  13. All of these head honcho's that run the government have a god complex. Dr F-your an a$$.

  14. What happened to Princ. Emge? She's the current principal and does a great job.

  15. Mr. Wyndham may I say you are a complete a$$. My children were not magnet students and certainly are NOT dumb!!! The Magnet has always been a platform for parents to impress other parents. One of my sons wasn't in magnet but entered the gate program in Middle School and AP classes in high school and just graduated from college w/honors. Bullshat! I do agree that the BOE is in desperate need of some major house cleaning starting from the top. Trust me I know first hand. We have all experienced the loss of a great Principal/VP at one time or another. It has always been the policy to move Administration around. I'm sure Pemberton will get someone just as good. Now...take your thumb out of your mouth and worry about the major issues going on!

  16. Why am I not surprised that it is an anonymous commenter who has resorted to name-calling over an opinion with which he or she disagrees? 3:44, where exactly did Mr. Wyndham declare that children not in the magnet program were dumb?

    For the last six years, Scott Thorpe has been a wonderfully caring administrator at Pemberton Elementary. He is concerned about the education and welfare of ALL students, and he is well-respected by parents, students, and staff. I am sad to see him go, but I know he will do great things at Chipman.

    This post was sharing a concern that a popular principal was perhaps being transferred to a smaller school as punishment for supporting a controversial program. I think it's called the "main idea" and a reading comprehension class could help you figure that out.

  17. Has anyone heard of any changes being made at west salisbury elementary school and the parents just dont know yet?? The prinicpal the definately should be on the list of principals being moved!!!! It seems like the good ones get moved

  18. I for one think Pemberton is the luckiest school in the county. They are getting Curt Twilley as their incoming Principal. My children have been fortunate enough to have him as a principal at Pinehurst and I am sad to see him go. Apparently Debbie Emge will be the incoming Principal at Pinehurst. I am curious to find out what other schools will have changes in administration next year. Joe, could you run a thread highlighting the changes in administration in Wicomico County? I looked on the WCBOE website and there is no information regarding the changes. I even looked at MSM and no surprise there, nothing.

  19. Anon 12:57 had the best and most logical comment so far. As good as Mr. Thorpe is, it is certainly not a punishment towards himself, or towards Pemberton. Mr. Thorpe has done a great job at that school, no doubt, and hopefully, what he has left behind will only lead the school in the right general direction. I can only see this as the main objective for Chipman as well. Certain schools certainly will not meet the requirements as guided by the state, so they move the good people the BOE has to those schools in an effort to improve, not to cause harm. After all, this is to benefit the children of course. I have never met Principal Emge, nor have I heard anything about her, but, if the schools are failing, or not producing the results they need, then they need help. Enter Scott Thorpe. Again, I don't necessarily know the ENTIRE situation, but I can almost guarantee this is not a punishment. Pemberton school will be fine, knowing that they have been led by a great Principal, and hopefully they continue that for years to come, and hopefully Chipman will follow suit.

  20. What exactly is a "feeder" school?As long as other kids cant keep up with their grade level,programs like Magnet will be needed to avoid "dumbing down" the kids who are bright.Eliminating Magnet will keep those kids in class with those who cant keep up and its unfair.Thats when parents chose private school.

  21. Pinehurst is lucky to be getting Mrs. Emge as their principal. She is truly dedicated to the teaching profession and cares so much about all of the kids in the school. She has such a positive demeanor with parents, faculty, and students. She will be very missed at Chipman!

  22. @4:57
    I agree with asking joe to please post information in regards to the principal and vice principal changes!! Would love to know if the principal is leaving :) and if vice principal is staying :)!!

  23. Fruitland Intermediate lost their principal and VP. Getting Mr. Shearer from Wi Middle and Dr. Jeannette from Westside Intermediate.

    Also, Mrs. Giddens is now going to Wi Middle and Mr. Jones is moving from Westside Primary to East.

    Mrs. Rice, VP at Northwestern, is being moved to VP at North Salisbury. Is replacing Mr. Harris who got moved to VP at West Salisbury.

    More to come...

  24. More moves...

    Jason Miller, VP at Delmar, is now the VP at Westside Int. Mr. Larry Collins is now the VP at Delmar

    Mr. Twilley is new Principal at Pemberton. Mrs. Emge replaces him at Pinehurst and Mr. Thorpe is replacing her at Chipman.

    Also, Mr. Bievenour, VP at Parkside has been moved to Salisbury Middle as VP.

    Mr. Greene from Bennett Middle has been moved to VP at Parkside.

  25. More moves:

    Mrs. Lewis, VP at Fruitland Intermediate is now the VP at Northwestern

    Mrs. Perry, VP at Fruitland Primary is now the VP at Pemberton

    Mr. Grate is now the VP at Mardela replacing Mrs. DJ who got moved to Wi Middle

    There may be more...anyone else hear anything??

  26. 4:57...The complete list is to be published tomorrow and sent out to BOE employees. You shouldn't have any trouble getting a copy then.

  27. If a principal is missing the mark, as 12:57 suggested, why is it a good thing to put them in charge of school that's not missing the mark?

    Good that someone said something nice about Emge or parents at Pinehurst might be having heart failure.

    I hope all these moves are beneficial for all students and teachers.

  28. These moves are rediculous. Let's put this into a private business scenerio...

    If an employee in my business is doing great, I don't move them to another department. I would keep them where they are so that I keep getting results.

    I understand the idea of getting people experience but you can't tell me all of these moves are for that reason.

    For god's sake, Northwestern Elem. was just on the news yesterday for being a Blue Ribbon School and now they move their VP. Are you kidding me?

  29. Mr. Thorpe was my pricipal and he was aesome! Im so sad to see him go! I know Mr. Twilley and he is awesome. Pemberton will still have a good principal and sp will chipman!

  30. I don't understand why they would move Mrs. Emge who is at a primary school to a Pre-k through 5 school. What experience will she bring to the intermediate grades, especially MSA?

  31. Carla Hicks the other VP at Delmar is being moved as well to Chipman, I think. So Delmar is getting two different VPs next year.

  32. Dr. Frederickson's e-mail is jfrederi@wcboe.org not wcbor.org

    Thank you

  33. @4:55.............i AGREE!!

  34. Mr.Harris has gone from bad to worse. Mrs.Wright, the principal at West Salisbury, needs to go too!

    Got to keep the ethnic numbers even too!

  35. Who is replacing Mr. Hughes @ WiHi. He is going to Dorchester Co. as Asst. Superintendent

  36. Mr. Twilley's opposition to the magnet program is well known. Why put someone in charge of a program he is completely against? It's obvious.

  37. Anyone here anything lately about Mrs. Schor at Westside Primary? She left weeks ago and I hear she was placed at the Resource Center. Lots of money sitting there for a "time out". Must have done something pretty bad. I heard she will not be back as a VP.

    Also, Mr. Hughes at Wi Hi was replaced by an out of county person.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Maybe he's being transferred there to do some good like he did a Pemberton. So that they would stop being called a "feeder" school.

    12:27 PM

    Nope, wrong answer...he is getting a pay cut. Dr. Fredericksen has got to go. He is also reassigning Mr. Harris the Vice Principle from North Salisbury School. Guess what? Mr. Harris was also a supporter of the Magnet Program in his school now he is being retalliated against since we went against Dr. Fredericksen. Fredericksen has got to go!!!

  39. I don’t understand what all the insulting insinuations about Chipman missing it marks is about. I know first hand that all AYP are being met. So, accusing a school of not holding up or “making the grade” is unfounded. Mrs. Emge is well respected by her staff and parents alike. And no one has though about how the people who have been working for her of the past few years fell about loosing her. They don’t know who this new Principle is or what he has done for other school. For all they know he could be the world biggest jerk. It just as scary for other schools as it is for Pemberton. So those parent and staff will just need to get over it and deal with the changes just like everyone else.

  40. I just checked the MSDE website. All three Principals have taken their schools to AYP for several years. My suggestion is call the school on July 1st and make an appointment with your new Principal to see for yourself and stop slamming people you have not met.

  41. I know that the change in administrative staff throughout the schools is to bring to the school something that only that principal can bring to it. Being a Pinehurst parent I am sadden at the thought that Mr. Twilley is being transferred to Pemberton because he has brought so many oppurtunities to our school. Pemberton is getting an excellent Principal who not only cares about his staff and students but the families that those students come from as well. For me we are not only losing our principal but a member of our family. Although I am sadden by this loss I am looking forward to welcoming Mrs. Emge to the Pinehurst family and working with her throughout her career at Pinehurst.

  42. Anonymous said...
    Usually a principal is transferred for one of two reasons: He/she is needed to replace a principal who may not be up to snuff (as happened last year in a high school transfer) or the school to which he is being transferred has failed to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and is in danger of being taken over by the state. I don't know which one is the reason for Mr. Thorpe's transfer--maybe it's for both reasons--but it is not a punishment for him or for Pemberton. Rather, Chipman will be the beneficiary of his expertise.

    Since state testing for AYP is done in early grades, it is important that students in K-2 schools do well. If Chipman is having problems, you may see teachers transferred to and out of the school to strengten it.

    12:57 PM

    You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. I am very close to this situation and the majority of the transfers were done out of spite and retalliation. Mr. Fredericksen is very vindictive and he is punishing the ones that are moving down to a smaller school. They are basically getting demoted and it will affect their salaries.

    Fredericksen has to go!

  43. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Wyndham may I say you are a complete a$$. My children were not magnet students and certainly are NOT dumb!!! The Magnet has always been a platform for parents to impress other parents. One of my sons wasn't in magnet but entered the gate program in Middle School and AP classes in high school and just graduated from college w/honors. Bullshat! I do agree that the BOE is in desperate need of some major house cleaning starting from the top. Trust me I know first hand. We have all experienced the loss of a great Principal/VP at one time or another. It has always been the policy to move Administration around. I'm sure Pemberton will get someone just as good. Now...take your thumb out of your mouth and worry about the major issues going on!

    3:44 PM

    You my friend are full of SHAT!! I seriously doubt your children were Magnet material and you are obviously anti-Magnet. You also fail to sign your name yet you make it a point to reference the honest individual who signed his. You should sign yours "SPINELESS."

  44. blutojthetotmom said...
    What exactly is a "feeder" school?As long as other kids cant keep up with their grade level,programs like Magnet will be needed to avoid "dumbing down" the kids who are bright.Eliminating Magnet will keep those kids in class with those who cant keep up and its unfair.Thats when parents chose private school.

    5:05 PM

    Bluto you are correct about the Magnet program. Mr. Fredericksen, Margo Handy and Mark Thompson want to do away with the Magnet Program so that the higher achieving kids could help bring up the lower achieving kids. It is unfair and that is the mentality of the Liberal, Socialistic minded people like Fredericksen, Handy and Thompson. They all must go.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Anon 12:57 had the best and most logical comment so far. As good as Mr. Thorpe is, it is certainly not a punishment towards himself, or towards Pemberton. Mr. Thorpe has done a great job at that school, no doubt, and hopefully, what he has left behind will only lead the school in the right general direction. I can only see this as the main objective for Chipman as well. Certain schools certainly will not meet the requirements as guided by the state, so they move the good people the BOE has to those schools in an effort to improve, not to cause harm. After all, this is to benefit the children of course. I have never met Principal Emge, nor have I heard anything about her, but, if the schools are failing, or not producing the results they need, then they need help. Enter Scott Thorpe. Again, I don't necessarily know the ENTIRE situation, but I can almost guarantee this is not a punishment. Pemberton school will be fine, knowing that they have been led by a great Principal, and hopefully they continue that for years to come, and hopefully Chipman will follow suit.

    5:02 PM

    WOW Joe!! Dr. Freddy and the board does read you blog. This is obviously a post from Freddy himself!!

    Freddy...You have been Served!!

  46. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Twilley's opposition to the magnet program is well known. Why put someone in charge of a program he is completely against? It's obvious.

    10:06 PM

    I couldn't agree more! You idiots need to come together in masses and demand that our County Council remove Fredericksen NOW!! It is obvious that the appointed Board of Education won't do anything about him.

  47. Anonymous said...
    I just checked the MSDE website. All three Principals have taken their schools to AYP for several years. My suggestion is call the school on July 1st and make an appointment with your new Principal to see for yourself and stop slamming people you have not met.

    6:46 AM

    Obviously a BOE employees. Typical of Spoon Fed Propaganda!!

  48. Fyi. None of the salries will change. If a principal moves to a smaller school, their salary is frozen. If they go to a bigger school, they get an increase. Always been that way.

  49. Fyi. None of the salries will change. If a principal moves to a smaller school, their salary is frozen. If they go to a bigger school, they get an increase. Always been that way.

  50. Mrs. Emge is an excellent principal so Pinehurst get ready. She has expertise in special education which is needed at Pinehurst. While Mr. Twilley was great to work with, believe me Pinehurst, you won't be disappointed with Mrs. Emge. She might be coming from the Westside, but there's a definite up side of holding students and staff accountable in their own success.

  51. Scott Thorpe and Naomi Powell, supervisor of magnet and T.A.D., were two very strong voices in support of advanced learners. He has been moved from one of the magnet centers, and she has been "reassigned" so neither one will continue on the super. task force for high performing learners next year. Ask to continue one program for our top students and see what happens to you. Spend millions on the ones who aren't doing well, get promoted, and say not enough is being done for the slowest, we need the fastest to tutor them and sit around doing nothing in the classrooms while the others get attention.

  52. Fredericksen, Handy, and Jones are bullies. Ask what Handy did to a magnet teacher in one of the committee meetings. Of course she got away with it even though there were lots of witnesses. The Board does nothing to stop her.


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