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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Hecklers Pounce On Pelosi During D.C. Speech

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was loudly interrupted by hecklers during a speech at a conference Tuesday morning in Washington. The standoff got so heated that an aide, telling Pelosi that "they're throwing stuff," tried to get her to leave the stage. Pelosi refused to go and delivered her speech over the heckling.

"I'm used to noise. I talk to the Democratic caucus every single day," she told the crowd.Pelosi was speaking at the Campaign for America's Future Conference, where a mixed bag of protesters was in attendance. The group Code Pink had a sign in the crowd that said "stop funding Israel terror," but the protesters making the most noise were angry about health care.

"I am not going back to a nursing home," one of them screamed out, triggering more protesters to start chanting: "Our homes, not nursing homes."

Pelosi tried to calm them down and proceed. "I've heard your message. I hear what you're saying. I appreciate your concern," she said.

As the chanting and shouting continued, a man walked up behind Pelosi to tell her, "I don't know if we can stop it. There are too many of them."

Shortly afterward, another aide told Pelosi: "Ma'am -- they're throwing stuff. We need to leave."

Pelosi did not move.

"I'm going to make my speech over your voices, because I came here to thank you for helping us to get health care reform passed," she said.

GO HERE to read more and watch video from FOX News.


  1. Hopefully this useless bag of crap we have to call speaker will be gone soon. She is so useless towards moving this country forward

  2. Actually, this is one time I admire Pelosi.

    It's one thing to disagree and protest peacefully with signs and all.

    It's quite another to be a rabble and be a disruption denying someone else the right to speak.

    I did not support the heckling of George Bush. I do not support the heckling of Barack Obama.

    Civil speech has to be on both sides, always! I do not support anarchy and anger. This behavior seems so against the principles our forefathers put in the Constitution so that we wouldn't be just a nation of angry rabbles.

  3. @1107am

    normally i would say turnabout is fair play, but you make a logical point. however, may i pose to you, these people apparently havent listened to anything else we say no matter where or when we say it. should this be the norm if an elected representative stops listening? theres no denying the fact that respect has been lost in this world.

  4. She looked like she was doped up in the meeting. It appeared she was dillusional and had a very dry mouth. She was def. on some type of meds!! She needs to get a grip on what is occurring in this NAtion. One wuestion why doesn't the new health care laws apply yo CONGRESS? if it so great why dont they have it?


  5. 10:07....The Constitution you referred to was written to protect the people from the tryanny of government and from the way the Health Care bill passed I would say she's lucky the crowd didn't take her ouside and well, uh, ....damn! the Secret Service is here....

  6. When the politicians stop hearing the people then the people must nudge them a little !

  7. want to get rid of this disgrace?
    don't vote for Kratovil again


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