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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Dogs Dumbed Down By Domestication

Dogs may be a little too dependent on humans to solve their problems

Dogs are now so dependent upon people that they fail certain basic intelligence tests that wolves and wild dogs ace, according to new research.

The findings provide evidence that humans, through domestication of canines, have caused dogs to lose their non-social problem-solving skills. The loss in skills appears to be "hardwired" genetically into dogs, helping to explain why homeless dogs struggle to survive.

"Often feral dogs survive by taking advantage of human leftovers or domestic livestock," lead author Bradly Philip Smith told Discovery News, adding that the "leftovers" could be things like garbage scrounged from dumps or the occasional food handouts.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Most people fall into this catagory as well.

  2. People on welfare and hand out's


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