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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

6.2 Million Mexicans Want To Move To U.S.

A new poll shows 6.2 million Mexicans would like to move permanently to the United States if they could – almost half the 14 million Mexicans who said they would like to move outside of their native country.

Canada and Spain were listed as the other top destinations that Mexicans cited.

Gallup concluded that if all adults worldwide who said they would like to move to another country actually did so, the U.S. could see a net population gain of 60 percent. On the other hand, Mexico could see net population losses as high as 15 percent.

According to Gallup, the survey is considered to be significant, because even though the results show people’s aspirations rather than intentions, it is an important consideration for world leaders who want to proactively manage migration and migrant policy in their countries.

More on this


  1. I can see why they want to move here. I went to the beach this morning and found clothes all over the beach in Nanticoke. I also found that they had gone to the bathroom on the beach with toilet paper everywhere. The reason I'm aware it was mexicans , I saw them at last light the night before. I recognized the clothing. They had a portapotty 150 feet away.I understand they had a problem a mile up the road at the Cove also.

  2. I welcome them. Rather live with mexicans than a bunch of racists.

  3. 11:48 go ahead go to mexico and live with them. I shouldn't have to press 1 for english in my country. If they want to come here let them learn our language.


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