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Friday, May 28, 2010

You've Been Blogged

Folks, if you see any animals in this kind of heat locked up in a vehicle, (like this one at Home Depot moments ago) please contact the Police immediately. The individual who took this picture got the tag number and did in fact contact the Police but the driver pulled away before the Police could arrive.

Clearly these animals were gasping for cooler air but let's Blog every single one of them you come across and expose them. Are you with me on this one?


  1. count me in! when i lived in arizona i turned in some woman that left a dachsund and her puppies in there...all fighting for water out of a cup with a flower in it, and the windows were shut...all of them...110* out. she got over $500 fine. dumb ass. so yes, i'm in! jillb

  2. Me too! People think they are doing their pets a favor by dragging them around on errands. They are happier in the comfort of the great indoors or under the shade tree....and don't even get me started on the people who chain them up with no cover. NOTE: don't get an animal if you aren't willing to treat it properly.

  3. Count me in!!! People beware, Big Brother is watching you.

  4. You bet! I found one in a car at the Amish Mkt , in Laurel, DE a few yrs back. I went in & walked around asking if anyone owned the dog outside in the specified car. You could hear people saying, Oh My, That's terrible , In this heat,
    etc. as I went through . A man, if you want to call him that, was standing in line to get food said , "Yeah, I got a dog in the car & that's none of your business lady!" I let him know it was my business, the dog couldn't speak for himself & it was against the law!" He angrily & hurridly left his wife to get the food & went out the door. Response from others was amazing towards the defence of the animal.

    Thanks for posting Joe-----hope others will see the need to help protect them! E.Walls

  5. you should totally post the make, model & tag # for all to see. this is crazy!

  6. Come on now....it is 70 max today and the drivers window and back passengers window is down...the dogs more than likely appear to be "gasping" for air since someone has approached the vehicle to take a pic...they are curious. If it was warmer today I would say absolutely turn them in but come on this is a bit much.

  7. Let's just blog about everything that people do wrong, not just leaving pets in a well ventilated car for a few moments. After all, God told US to be the judge and jury over all the people in the land! Better yet, maybe we can take them out back and beat them with a switch!

    It looks to me that these loving dogs were just trying to smell the stranger and see who was approaching. We should be very carefull what vigilante justice we call for, because some people can get carried away.

    Now if these dogs were locked up with all the windows up and it was 90 deg out, then I could understand calling the police. But 75 ain't 90, and all the windows down a little ain't a closed up car.

  8. the woman who sent joe the picMay 28, 2010 at 1:11 PM

    Sent you the tag ,It took 24 min for police to arrive.But i do not think that is there fault .She took off as police pulled up .

  9. Have the owner go sit in the car for about an hour and see how hot they get before opening the door or turning on the air. Ill bet under five minutes.

  10. Just because its only 75 degrees is irrelevant,the interior of a vehicle gets alot hotter than outside and damn quick this time of year.Its nice outside right now but my cars been out in th driveway all morning and the heat inside will take my breath away when I get in it.

  11. 12:53,

    You seem like a smart person to me. Look more curious to me than dying of heat exhaustion.

  12. I agree this is a little over kill. I am an owner of 2 small dogs and I have left them in the car with all the windows cracked while I ran into the store real quick.

    As long as it is not extremely hot outside, I do not see where this is wrong.

  13. Its a heck of a distraction while driving a car, leave the dogs at home.

  14. "Holier than thou" people make me laugh............

    Maybe you should start chasing down speeders too. Then when you call the cops you can tell them exactly how fast you both are going.

  15. Bravo for exposing the idiots that do this to their animals.

  16. did that at wally's in fruitland last week. I stayed by the car until the driver came back. he had'nt left a window open, either. I don't have a mind left once I gave him a piece of it. he thought I was nuts.

    Do you want county & city vehicles at the super markets also? could have given that this am, but didn't have my phone.
    how do we get this info & pics to you?

  17. Even 70 or 75 degres gets really HOT inside a vehickel.

  18. Some say the tinted windoiws protect the inside. But doesn't the darker glass absorb the heat?

  19. To those defending the idiotic move the person made by leaving pets in a car just to satisfy their own need to drag a dog around and be "cool"... stop taking your dogs places just to leave them sit in a hot car!

    You want to lug a dog around, take it to the park or for a walk. There is no reason to haul animals around when you know darn well you are going to just leave them in a vehicle while you run in and out of stores.

    Even if it is 77-85 degrees outside, the interior of a vehicle gets much hotter extremely quickly. Think about the last time you left your windows cracked while you ran into a store; when you got back the first thing you did was put the windows down or turn up the AC because it is hot. How do you think an animal feels being trapped without thumbs to roll down a window or turn on the AC???

    Then of course you have the real genius' that just leave the car running with the dog in it as if that makes it all better! The solution is leave your dog at home, they are not an accessory to your wardrobe they are living breathing things that do not deserve to be stuck in a situation with no defense.

  20. I'm in! I'll have my phone and camera with me now everywhere I go!

    My dogs love to go for rides but if I know I have to stop and run in, forget about it. I get a warm welcome no matter if they were left home, they love me and I them!

  21. Unless they are going to the vet, pets SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO RIDE IN VEHICLES. If it is required for you to restrain your child, then you should have proper restraints for pets as well. Pets cause accidents. And if you are in an accident the pet can be hurled toward you and injure you worse. Not to mention poor animal being thrown through windsheild.

    Taking a dog for a ride, is NOT a replacement for taking a dog for a walk.

    I get angry every time I see a pathetic pet owner with pet in car.

  22. To ALL of the Idiots trying to make comments that this is perfectly ok, do us ALL a favor. Bring your pets out, (in which you wouldn't) and leave them in your car. Salisbury News will expose you and your tag number as well as report you to the Police. You can then tell a Judge your opinion and let's see how well you do in court. Yeah, you're NOT that stupid, are you?

  23. Mardela: You sound so much like the man at the Cty. Council meeting that called the Dog Ordinance Committee----Nazi (sp ?) because they worked to get laws changed for the betterment of the animal!!!!

    When it's warm outside----it's a lot hotter in the car----as they said---roll those windows up for a few hrs parked outside , then see what it feels like when you get in! It does not take long for an animal to die like this. Forget it----unless someone is in the car with them with the A/C running , or all the windows down-----Do them a great favor & leave them home! Wait till it cools down to take them for a ride if you have to stop somewhere & leave them in the car alone.

    Check your MD Dog Laws-------It is against the Law Folks!!!!!!!!

    You Go Joe---- People take your cameras with you!!!!

  24. I left my dog in the truck today, air on emergency brake on and door locked! I also keep an eye on him, today was 10 minutes When i take him i don't leave him in a hot truck or car. If i want to take him none of your business! You're just a blog site joe. If the animal is in a hot truck/car you should call the police, i would.

  25. I love to read Joe' comments to himself. (Way to go Joe)

  26. What about the dogs that the US military is using in Iraq and Afghanistan? 120 degrees over there. Oh and don't even comment if I spelled the country wrong.....

  27. 5:31-

    How many hyphens and exclamation points can someone use in just one post?

  28. AIR ON, DOOR LOCKED,brake on...carbon monoxide poisoning waiting to happen

  29. 6:28 Please remember the horror of the policeman who left his car running with the A/C on, coming out to find his car had cut off & his dog dead! I would never trust leaving a dog in that way----Hope you will reconsider doing so. EW

  30. AIR ON, DOOR LOCKED,brake on...carbon monoxide poisoning waiting to happen. Carbon Monoxide poisoning good one. So It's ok for me to sit in the car with the dog! (Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, nonirritating gas, carbon monoxide has no smell, smart one there! So if you go to the store and your wife stays in the car and your in Sears that's ok? And how many cases do you know of this happening to a dog? Should you leave a DOG IN A CAR?
    THE lAW:Owners can be punished for leaving a dog in a car, under anticruelty statutes or laws that specifically forbid leaving a dog in a parked vehicle without adequate ventilation.

  31. Every year it's the same old thing. What is wrong w/people? I am also sick of people who feel the need to bring their animals to local carnivals/festivals, etc. I agree w/the blogger who said leave your dogs home, they are not an accessory to your wardrobe! I'll be they do not clean up after them and children have to step in it, not to mention many children are at eye level w/the dogs which is an accident waiting to happen! Leave your dog home where it belongs you idiots!

  32. Joe- looks like you got blogged. I wrote that and took the pictures. Gotcha faggot! Is Brooke Mulford dead yet?

  33. Why was that last comment published?If thats really this Tom McGuire guy I have to say you are a sick f*ck.You can call people faggots all you want,its a free country but how can you say nasty things about an innocent little girl?What did she ever do to you?

  34. 4:33 You Are A Sick Person!


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