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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Wicomico County School Busses

Joe, this is just an observation but I was wondering what you and your readers think about this.

I have been a resident of the county for ten years now and I don't think I have ever seen more aggressive school bus drivers than we have here. My commute daily takes me right through various school districts and I'm amazed at the chances these drivers take with our children on board. I think daily they pull out in front of drivers. The will pull forward into intersections and simply wait for the light to turn green. It’s almost like how the tractor trailers drive. It’s as if they think to themselves that they are going to pull out or take the right of way and the others cars are just going to have to stop. It doesn't matter if the entire back end of the school bus is stuck out in the intersection blocking traffic from proceeding which should be able to move forward. They simply don't care. So much for yellow lights too. I had one the other day blow right through it forcing me to brake. Again, I think they feel like they are bigger and the traffic will just have to stop. I can't be the only one that sees this or has this happen to them can I?

Another favorite of mine is when they simply just pull over cutting you off because they need that lane. I apologize to the drivers this does not pertain to but there are quite a few that it does pertain to. Just observe their driving closely the next time you are in site of one. Some of it is shocking.

Thanks Joe.....


  1. Yea and most of them are owned by Holloway. Give them a call they are very helpful...NOT. Talking about jerks, no wonder the drivers don't care because their boss doesn't give a crap.

  2. i see the same problems, i drive to bennett middle and prince street and apparently people and buses dont understand the new lights at bennett middle, the light will be red and buses and parents still drive right through them also when you r turning left you r suppose to yield to the people who r coming straight but the teens, parents and school bus drivers apparently dont know this, there needs to be a cop at the bennett middle and roger street light and watch what is going on i always tell my husband that i am going to die young from a heart attack or stress due to driving my children to school, and then you have the kids that walk right in the middle of the road without looking, i dont understand why they cant stay on the sidewalk and use the crossswalk signals but i guess they think everyone will wait for them i live 2 blocks from bennett high but i will not let my child walk because of idiotic parents and bus drivers and teen drivers. my husband told me to write to joe about it all but you beat me to it. its nice to know others are noticing these horrible drivers.

  3. I think it's irresponsible for the author to generalize about bus drivers as well as the tractor trailer drivers he/she mentions. ("It’s almost like how the tractor trailers drive. It’s as if they think to themselves that they are going to pull out or take the right of way and the others cars are just going to have to stop.")

    Since my husband is one of those tractor trailer drivers, I take exception in the condemnation of drivers based upon one person's perceptions.

    BTW, 8:55, in the overall numbers of bus drivers/owners, Holloway does not own "most" of them.

  4. I picked up my son at the bus stop yesterday and noticed the bus driver talking on the phone while she was driving. I was amazed. I know the new driving cell phone law doesn't take effect until October, but isn't there some kind of law that prohibits school bus drivers from talking on the phone while transporting children? It's not like they're transporting chickens!

  5. I apologize for a generalization towards the truck drivers. It would have been more appropriate for to have said the same thing I did in regards to the bus drivers. That being said, not all truck drivers are that way but some certainly are. There have definitely been times where those rigs pull into an intersection basically making traffic halt in order to make whatever maneuver they are trying to make. Again, I do apologize to those who do not drive in this manner but I am certainly not making that up and I'm sure others have had the same experiences.

  6. 9:35 The same can be said for people in standard cars and trucks. How many times have you have some idiot try to pull out in front of you trying to beat the light? It's not just truck drivers, bus drivers, etc., but drivers of any sort.

  7. Right you are. The difference however is the cargo those busses are transporting, our children. Driving the road ways has become a dangerous proposition for any vehicle but the ones carrying our children should set a better example than what they do sometimes.

  8. Saw a bus driver texting at the Fruitland stop light. Honked and pointed to her....she put the phone down quick.

  9. I have even called the supervisor at the Board of Ed due to a bus totally igonoring a red light on several occassions - no outcome of that and still see the bus doing the same. Not surprising there are more accidents involving buses. I can agree with all the problems listed above. To the comment about a cop for the kids crossing in front of bennett----There is what is called a crossing guard there for students that actually will go to that point to cross the street. I say a so called crossing guard because since when do crossing guards stick out the sign in front of them take about 5 or 6 steps and return to the curb long before any of the students are even to the middle of the road. I thought they were suppose to walk students across the stree.

  10. i didnt mean a cop for the children to cross i meant a cop should sit there and see what goes on with the vehicles when their lights turn red

  11. cops are too busy on their cell phones also. Sit in the east bound lane of route 50 and Nanticoke road and see how many people go through the red light you are sitting at. I have counted between 4 to 11 cars going through the light that is green for me!I have even seen city police in the line of cars running that red light and not do anything about the cars in front or the rear of them. If they don't enforce it, this will never end.

  12. The School bus Issues have gone Interstate. The Selbyville School Buses ROAR by on Bethany Road...route 17. I have never seen a School Bus driver getting a speeding ticket...Has anyone?


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