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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I wanted to drop you a quick note to share some very exciting news. The Washington, D.C. newspaper – Roll Call – has finally printed what many of us have known for a long time – Frank Kratovil’s days as a Member of Congress are numbered. The people of our district have seen enough – and it is time to send him home.

In a recent article detailing the 10 Most Vulnerable Incumbents, the newspaper summarized Krattovil’s precarious position by saying:

“It is hard to imagine Kratovil finding a way to return for the 112th Congress, considering all the signs point to this being an abysmal Democratic year. He represents a district that includes the conservative Eastern Shore and parts of suburban Baltimore, across the bay, that also lean right, and he won by less than a point. But he did buck his party leadership on a third of House votes in 2009. He is well-funded, but it may not matter in his rematch from 2008 with state Sen. Andy Harris, who is running a better campaign than he did two years ago and has a more unified GOP behind him this time.”

Your support is a big part of this equation. Frank Kratovil has $1 million in the bank, we have $700,000, I need your help today to close that gap. Your donation of $25, $50, $100 or even $500 will go directly towards communicating my proven record of courage and common sense to the people of this district.

Thank you for your support. I know that many of you supported me in 2008, and I know that you have done all you can in this campaign. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support. I know that together, we will celebrate Victory on Election Day 2010!

Andy Harris

1 comment:

  1. We are anxious to do whatever we can to assure your VICTORY.

    How wonderful to have a representaive in office we can trust and trust to do the right thing.


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